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Passive voice

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Passive voice
Message from danijara posted on 05-05-2010 at 02:46:00 (D | E | F)

I am learning in my college about passive voice yet... I would like some people to check my level of learning and people to give me recommendations and tips...there are here some examples in many times tenses... read it them please!!! good or bad? each one...

-Daniela is going to be reported by the teacher the next week

-Ana maria isn´t going to be acepted in the engliah class

-who is Carlos goign to be hitted by?

-a very small soccer ball was used four hundred years ago by a soccer player

-the ball was droped into the middle of the two oposing teams by the referee, for to get the game started

-the ball was first found in the 70s by someone

-the ball was placed in a box

-the ball was found hidden in the bedchamberwall of mary queen of scots

-mary queen of scots was beheaded by queen elizabeth

Edited by lucile83 on 05-05-2010 04:24

Re: Passive voice from gerondif, posted on 05-05-2010 at 11:09:39 (D | E)

you made very few mistakes ! Congratulations!

-Daniela is going to be reported by the teacher the next week

-Ana maria isn´t going to be accepted in the English class

-who is Carlos going to be hitted by?(irregular verb: to hit I hit hit)

-a very small soccer ball was used four hundred years ago by a soccer player

-the ball was dropped into the middle of the two opposing teams by the referee, for to get the game started

-the ball was first found in the 70's by someone (correct but awkward)

-the ball was placed in a box

-the ball was found hidden in the bedchamber wall of Mary Queen of Scots

-Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded by Queen Elizabeth

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<< English only

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