Passive voice
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Message from danijara posted on 05-05-2010 at 02:46:00 (D | E | F)
I am learning in my college about passive voice yet... I would like some people to check my level
-Daniela is going to be reported by the teacher the next week
-Ana maria isn´t going to be acepted in the engliah class
-who is Carlos goign to be hitted by?
-a very small soccer ball was used four hundred years ago by a soccer player
-the ball was droped into the middle of the two oposing teams by the referee, for to get the game started
-the ball was first found in the 70s by someone
-the ball was placed in a box
-the ball was found hidden in the bedchamberwall of mary queen of scots
-mary queen of scots was beheaded by queen elizabeth
Edited by lucile83 on 05-05-2010 04:24
Re: Passive voice from gerondif, posted on 05-05-2010 at 11:09:39 (D | E)
you made very few mistakes ! Congratulations!
-Daniela is going to be reported by the teacher
-Ana maria isn´t going to be accepted in the English class
-who is Carlos going to be hitted by?(irregular verb: to hit I hit hit)
-a very small soccer ball was used four hundred years ago by a soccer player
-the ball was dropped into the middle of the two opposing teams by the referee,
-the ball was first found in the 70's by someone (correct but awkward)
-the ball was placed in a box
-the ball was found hidden in the bedchamber wall of Mary Queen of Scots
-Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded by Queen Elizabeth
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