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Cover letter

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Cover letter
Message de elisa92 posté le 01-04-2010 à 17:45:46 (S | E | F)

Hi everyone,
As always, I'm waiting for the last moment to send my entry forms and everything... And today I am writing my cover letter. I wrote a first version but I'm sure that it is full of style and grammatical mistakes... Could you please help me to correct them ?

xxxxx see below please.


Don't hesitate, tell me if everything is wrong and if I need to start over ! I really would like to get this school.

Thanks so much everyone.


PS: It is quite urgent ! I need to send it before tomorrow...

Edited by lucile83 on 01-04-2010 18:39
No emergency on this site + forum

Réponse: Cover letter de elisa92, postée le 01-04-2010 à 18:25:24 (S | E)
After some revisions, I am decided for this version :

Dear Mrs taratata:

This letter is to express my interest in the double degree of Law and English offered by your university. I am currently finishing my scientific terminale at the *name of my current school*. After a lot of thought, I would like to have the opportunity of leading a career in the international business of Law because a double knowledge of both English and French legal systems, as well as mastering the English language perfectly, appear to me as essential qualities for professional success.

Through my education, I have intensively studied the English language:
• I took part in a European section (five hours of English a week) during my whole junior high school.
• I was also chosen to participate in an International section (between five and seven hours of English a week, and two hours of history and geography in English)

I also got my baccalauréat with excellent marks in French (17 and 18). Furthermore, my two last years at school were dedicated to science, which taught me to have a logical and synthetic spirit, and also taught me to be rigorous, a quality which is necessary to practice Law.

Joining your university and being offered the options that follow would allow me a double qualification, which is nowadays an indubitably asset on the work field. If accepted, my determination in succeeding anything I pursue will undoubtedly help me through the course.

Yours sincerely,

Elisa BUBULE (Miss).


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