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The use of unless (1)

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The use of unless
Message from achwak posted on 23-03-2010 at 08:55:52

Hi, everybody.
Can we use : UNLESS in all types of conditional?

Edited by lucile83 on 04-05-2010 17:47

Re: The use of unless by chrislondon, posted on 24-03-2010 at 21:50:38
'unless' is used with first conditional sentences. In other conditional clauses we prefer the use of 'if not'. e.g. She would have passed the exam if she hadn't gone out every night before the exam. (But she did).Compare the use of 'unless'. She will pass the exam unless she goes out every night.(This could happen.)
Best Wishes

Re: The use of unless by achwak, posted on 28-03-2010 at 12:44:17
Thanks a lot,but I have found on the net that we can use :unless with type 2 and 3.is there any mistake? I wait for your answers; Thank you.

Re: The use of unless by houda80, posted on 01-04-2010 at 10:18:05
I think that unless it used only with the first type conditional

Re: The use of unless by nnour, posted on 01-04-2010 at 12:39:49
unless can be used with all types of the conditional form ,but type one is the most common

Re: The use of unless by peterlee0410, posted on 28-04-2010 at 12:06:17
hi,i think you'd better use in the first type conditonal

Re: The use of unless by achwak, posted on 28-04-2010 at 12:25:30
Thank you.

Re: The use of unless by tuuuuuu, posted on 28-04-2010 at 18:26:13
thansk Thanks

Edited by lucile83 on 28-04-2010 18:45

Re: The use of unless by hooopy5544, posted on 04-05-2010 at 15:48:41
thanks too much

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