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Cover letter une petite relecture

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Cover letter une petite relecture
Message de megakev posté le 22-03-2010 à 23:19:11 (S | E | F)

Bonjour tout le monde, je viens de finir ma cover letter comme disent les anglais, et je cherche quelqu'un qui pourrait vérifier la forme et m'indiquer des petites corrections à faire.
Si vous vous sentez l'âme correctrice, voici ma lettre :

World leader in the sale and distribution of services, XXX keeps growing continously by winning new markets.

During the past four years I have been involved into several missions in your company as a consultant in software engineering. The diversity of the work environment, both technical and human, enabled me to deepen my experience in contact with the staff and various teams that I could join. During this time I became familiar with the infrastructure and the operating mode of your group, which makes me immediately operational.

My professional experience also allowed me to master programming languages, tools and techniques related to the development of applications and their lifecycle.

Willing to go even further in a career opportunity that only an organization like yours could offer me, I would like now to take a new step in my professional life: to join XXX. Thereby I could continue to harness all my skills and motivation in an area which happens to be inside my project: the service industry.

I am fully prepared to be available for an interview at your convenience.
Yours faithfully

Je vous remercie par avance.


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