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I know well - I know very well (1)

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I know well - I know very well
Message from ndege posted on 27-02-2010 at 01:57:38

Hello,I am wondering whether in some instances the adverb well should be preceded by another adverb like very, perfectly, pretty... Here are some examples e knows well or very well that happiness is in little things-He knows well or pretty well that she won't do it-he knew well or perfectly well that it was a hoax -he knew well or very well that she would make a fussWhat do you think?
Thank you.Ndege.

Edited by lucile83 on 18-04-2010 08:14
Some of you here did not notice it was the English Only Forum ...

Re: I know well - I know very well by chrislondon, posted on 27-02-2010 at 23:33:28
I agree with you. The correct form should be the second option.
Best Wishes

Re: I know well - I know very well by ndege, posted on 28-02-2010 at 18:23:52

Thank you Chrislondon.

My question came up when trying to translate "Je sais bien que ce sont des idées folles" (from a book by Bernanos).
"I know well that..." doesn't sound satisfying to me. In the same way, a sentence like "I know well she won't do it" and particularly if it is in the past tense "I knew well she wouldn't do it" doesn't sound right. But I am at pains to explain why.

I did some googling and I found many examples like "he knows well that happiness is in little things". The examples were in present tense.
When I googled "knew well that" all the sentences that came up had an adverb before "well".

Re: I know well - I know very well by headway, posted on 28-02-2010 at 18:34:40

Dans le cas présent, je traduirais 'Je sais bien' par 'I am aware that'.

Re: I know well - I know very well by ndege, posted on 01-03-2010 at 20:30:07
Thank you Headway!

Re: I know well - I know very well by may, posted on 10-03-2010 at 11:55:29
Good morning,

It's supposed to be " I am aware of that (to be aware of...).
However, for your question regarding the adverb Well, any of your examples would be considered corrected (that depends on the sense only).
Furthermore, for the meaning of " je sais bien que ce sont des idées folles"
I thought it might be put as " I know these are not very good ideas, I am well aware of that". I hope it will be in your satisfaction

All the best,


Re: I know well - I know very well by prescott, posted on 10-03-2010 at 15:55:47
Hello ndege,

Whenever "Je sais bien que..." means "Je suis parfaitement conscient du fait que...", I think you can safely use "be perfectly aware that/ of (what)..."

Oh ! Je sais bien que ce sont des idées folles, que je ne puis même pas prendre tout à fait au sérieux...

Oh, I am perfectly aware that these are foolish ideas, which can't even be taken seriously enough...


Hope it helps
and good luck in your translation


Re: I know well - I know very well by willy, posted on 10-03-2010 at 17:51:04

You could say : I know only too well ...

Re: I know well - I know very well by ndege, posted on 13-03-2010 at 14:52:49
Many thanks to all of you for answering

Have a nice weekend,

Re: I know well - I know very well by notrepere, posted on 06-04-2010 at 22:45:33

The first examples are more colloquial/idiomatic and tend to be used more emphatically. They're old-fashioned and outdated, however. You would be more likely to hear this from an older adult. Another common phrase is:

You know/knew full well...

You knew full well that you weren't supposed to go there!!

Which really means: You knew perfectly well that you weren't supposed to go there.

Re: I know well - I know very well by wael, posted on 12-04-2010 at 02:19:29
thanx man

Re: I know well - I know very well by without_wax, posted on 18-04-2010 at 03:48:24
Je connais un adverbe qui dit : "All's well that ends well !".

That's all.

Re: I know well - I know very well by notrepere, posted on 18-04-2010 at 03:56:38
"All's well that ends well !"

C'est un proverbe pas d'un adverbe.

Re: I know well - I know very well by prescott, posted on 18-04-2010 at 06:59:49

Sure thing, but let's say it is an added proverb, and which is more added without wax!

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