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Conseil CV-Lettre

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Conseil CV-Lettre
Message de venus2889 posté le 26-02-2010 à 20:51:06 (S | E | F)

je souhaite candidater postuler pour une offre de stage avec une association de mon école de commerce, pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me dire s'il y a une faute dans ma lettre de motivation et mon CV ? c'est très important pour moi.
Merci beaucoup d'avance

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am looking for an internship overseas which could start on the 1st June 2010. For me it is very important to go in an English- speaking country as I really want to see a new culture and at the same time learn English.
Going in North America and working there is just a dream for me. Indeed I just love the American culture, first because I am very fond of basket ball and secondly as I admire the American way of thinking. Now I have the opportunity to fulfill this dream so I will not lose this chance.
It is very hard to find an internship overseas alone that’s why I contact the AIESEC. It is so important to not lose this great opportunity for me. Indeed, AIESEC does not only provide an access to a list of valuable internships in selected firms in one hundred and seven countries, but they also give a reception and a support during the stay. Finding an internship with the AIESEC is the guarantee of living a very interested and rewarding experience.
I am dynamic, reliable and very motivated so I would do my best to find an internship.
Enclosed is a copy of my resume, which provides more details about my qualifications.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,

CV :


To obtain an internship in Marketing or Finance in North America.


2009 ( 3 months) xxx
France Public Accountant Assistant
- Bookkeeping, Purchase, Sale, Bank
- Declaration of TVA, TP, IS
- Updated the control toolS of the company

2008 (3 months) Gxxx  FRANCE
France Quality coordinator Assistant
- Realised a satisfaction poll
- Updated the quality department documentation
- Created new documentation for the quality department


2009-2011 Business School of Cxxx
France Accredited by xxx International
Master in Management focus on Finance

2008-2011 IUP Jxxxx
France Intensive management courses

2006-2008 DUT Jxxx
France Intensive courses in accountancy, management, marketing and finance

2006 xxx High School
France Scientific Baccalaureate focus on Biology


LANGUAGES French mother tongue
Spanish quite good knowledge (7 years)
English proficiency (TOEFL: 500)

COMPUTING Good knowledge of a lot of software:
Access, Word, Excel, GEGID, Internet…


Work Summer Job in xxx book shop
Basket Ball Basket-ball’s player in a National Championship
Activities Cinema, Music, sport
Traveling Ireland, UK, Italia

Modifié par bridg le 26-02-2010 21:09


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