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camille7/ English penpal

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camille7/ English penpal
Message de camille7 posté le 24-02-2010 à 18:38:47 (S | E | F)

Hello everyone,

I'm 19 and studying currently in a two-year post A-levels. My favourite "school" subject has always been English. Have been learning it for 9 years.

As I'm really fond of the English and Anglo-saxon culture in general, I really wish I could find a nice Englishman (aged between 20 and 23, if possible) to converse with.
Also would be very happy to share and learn more about his culture. Any Liverpool supporters here? I admit, I'm a fairly Premier League fan, especially this club, 'YNWA'

Natives from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales are welcome as well.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Modifié par bridg le 24-02-2010 19:48


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