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Indirect speech (1)

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Indirect speech
Message from stefanus posted on 19-02-2010 at 09:46:56

How will I write the following in indirect speech? Could you help me please?

1.Lord Sebastian Coe said,"We will recognize the vital role that sport can play in helping fulfil chidren 's rights.This will be done through the Child Rights Awards that will be held annualy".

2.Lord Coe had the last word:"Sport can create hope for all of us.It is an instrument of peace. We all have much to learn from all the progrmmes world wide".

Now please tell me on what I must concentrate on when indirect speech?

Thank you for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 19-02-2010 10:04

Edited by lucile83 on 24-03-2010 16:32

Re: Indirect speech by fred34000, posted on 19-02-2010 at 11:13:46
Try the search bar above and enter “direct indirect” you’ll find a bunch of courses.


Lien Internet

Re: Indirect speech by smartway, posted on 21-02-2010 at 13:47:40
direct speach indirect speach
past past perfect
present past
present perfect past perfect
present +ing past+ing
present perfect cont past perfect continious
past pefect past perfect
will would
can could
this that
shall should
good luck

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