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Message de mozaic posté le 14-02-2010 à 07:53:00 (S | E | F)

bonjour tout le monde
j'ai un rapport à envoyer ,je voudrais savoir, s'il vous plaît, si le style est acceptable. Merci pour votre aide.

During my visit to the site ,(i) I have noticed that some modifications have been introduced to the existing installation.
One company invited by the owner of the site to execute some work in parallel on the same area has modified by inadvertence the existing installation by using its cables and cutting its connectors ,causing huge damage to the installation.
The installation is now out of service,and the owner wants to get it working.
(i) I suggest an arrangement between the two companies involved ,by calling each others and find a way ,on mutual contentment to repair the damages.
Modifié par bridg le 14-02-2010 08:51
(i) n'existe pas -(I) existe.
Ce n'est pas la correction.


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