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Help/like to or like - ing

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Help/like to or like - ing
Message from xinjie posted on 16-12-2009 at 15:06:56 (D | E | F)

who can tell me which sentence is right and why:

she likes PLAYING tennis at least twice a week.
she likes TO PLAY tennis at least twice a week.
thanks very much!

Edited by lucile83 on 16-12-2009 15:21

Re: Help/like to or like - ing from seb06000, posted on 16-12-2009 at 16:35:44 (D | E)

In fact, it is not that easy: Normally you must use the ING form after a verb of taste/preference => he likes going to the seashore, he prefers playing the piano, he hates dancing etc => when it refers to a usual thing, a habit, something general

Yet, you can use an infinitive form when it refers to a precise action, something ponctual and usual.Often, you'll find a tense mark: now etc

-You like eating chocolate => permanent truth

-he'd like to go to seashore now => ponctual

I hope this helps !

Feel free to ask for any detail!



Edited by seb06000 on 16-12-2009 16:36

Edited by lucile83 on 16-12-2009 17:33
3 hours'detention seb !

Re: Help/like to or like - ing from xinjie, posted on 17-12-2009 at 11:21:55 (D | E)
thank you ,but this sentence has said "at least twice a week".does that represent a habit or a usual thing? if this is a multiple choice in test,ask our to choose one answer " to play"?or "playing".which one is right?

Re: Help/like to or like - ing from seb06000, posted on 17-12-2009 at 11:40:11 (D | E)

"twice a week' implies that there's a repetition, a frequency: the situation happens twice every week => it's a habit so you must say => She likes playing tennis.



Re: Help/like to or like - ing from xinjie, posted on 17-12-2009 at 14:03:51 (D | E)
ok ,i see.
thanks so much!

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