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“ The most dangerous advice you can give (1)

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“ The most dangerous advice you can give
Message de jenie54 posté le 12-11-2009 à 13:24:45

What does this statement means for you ?
I have to do 250 words about.
And I don't really know what to say.
But I have all the afternoon to work on.
So if someone have some idea about the meaning of this statement, fell free guys to send me some messages; it would be help I'm sure.
Thanks in advance

Modifié par bridg le 12-11-2009 15:45
Nous sommes un site pour apprendre les langues. Votre demande ne rentre pas dans ce cadre.

Réponse: “ The most dangerous advice you can give de jenie54, postée le 12-11-2009 à 13:26:32
Im sorry I cut the statement :

The most dangerous advice you can give to a child is to go to school, do well and look for a safe, secure job.

Réponse: “ The most dangerous advice you can give de prescott, postée le 12-11-2009 à 14:02:58
What does this statement mean to you ?
I have to do 250 words about it and really don't know what to say.
But I have all the afternoon to work on it.
So if someone had some idea about the meaning of this statement, feel free guys to send me some messages; It would be a great help I'm sure.
Thanks in advance

Read the following statement of an American millionaire who was in London in August 2003 to tell the British how to get rich. "The most dangerous advice you can give a child is to go to school, do well and look for a safe, secure job."

variant and quotes:

Do you know what’s the most dangerous advice you can give a child? It is this: “Go to school, get good grades and look for to safe secure job”. That is an old advice that was good for a short time but nowadays, in a fast-changing society, trusting in job security is surely a madness.

1. I believe this is bad advise. It forces future generations to continue to play by the old set of rules, and its too risky. We need to educate our children to play by the "different set of rules" the rules the rich play by. "What happens when a corporation announces a downsizing?"

2. Money is not taught in schools. Schools focus on scholastic professional skills, but not on financial skills.

a few links to give you clues:

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

After you got the general idea, start writing your own statement.
Because the most dangerous advice would be to tell you to copy paste the internet

Good inspiration and good work!


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