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Scrambled words '37'

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Scrambled words '37'
Message de marit64 posté le 11-11-2009 à 23:19:28 (S | E | F)


Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- To receive property etc belonging to someone who has died. ..... (htriien)
2- To walk on the toes, usually in order to be quiet. ..... (pettoi)
3- A kind of insects with pincers at the end of its body. ..... (wageir)
4- A short coat. ..... (eactkj)
5- The part of the back of the eye that receives the image of what is seen. ..... (nrtaie)
6- To come near. ..... (cpoahpra)
7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he controls. ..... (rovqtsniuelti)
8- A strong impulse or desire. ..... (geur)
9- A room, especially underground, especially for stores of coal or wine. ..... (lreacl)
10- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. ..... (aoprwsr)

Good luck and have fun!

The answers will be given next Wednesday.

Réponse: Scrambled words '37' de brettdallen, postée le 11-11-2009 à 23:42:04 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
I hope you're doing fine! A bit busy tonight but I couldn't miss the game!
Let's take a look at it!

1- To receive property etc belonging to someone who has died. ..... (htriien)(INHERIT)
2- To walk on the toes, usually in order to be quiet. ..... (pettoi)(TIPTOE)
3- A kind of insects with pincers at the end of its body. ..... (wageir)(EARWIG)
4- A short coat. ..... (eactkj)(JACKET)
5- The part of the back of the eye that receives the image of what is seen. ..... (nrtaie)(RETINA)
6- To come near. ..... (cpoahpra)(APPROACH)
7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he controls. ..... (rovqtsniuelti)(VENTRILOQUIST)
8- A strong impulse or desire. ..... (geur)(URGE)
9- A room, especially underground, especially for stores of coal or wine. ..... (lreacl)(CELLAR)
10- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. ..... (aoprwsr)(SPARROW)

Thanks again for the good job you did for us! Your definitions are once again perfect!

Réponse: Scrambled words '37' de dolfine56, postée le 12-11-2009 à 09:38:15 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit,
once more time, thanks for this regular meeting.

1- To receive property etc belonging to someone who has died. ...to inherit
2- To walk on the toes, usually in order to be quiet. ...to tiptoe
3- A kind of insects with pincers at the end of its body. ...an earwig
4- A short coat. ...a jacket
5- The part of the back of the eye that receives the image of what is seen. ...the retina
6- To come near. ...to approach
7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he controls. ...a ventroloquist
8- A strong impulse or desire. ...an urge
9- A room, especially underground, especially for stores of coal or wine. ....a cellar
10- A common type of small brown bird related to the finch family. ...a sparrow (aoprwsr)

have a nice time ...and weather. see you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '37' de swan85, postée le 14-11-2009 à 13:23:32 (S | E)
Hello Marit


Thanks a lot Marit and see you soon.

Modifié par swan85 le 14-11-2009 19:37

Réponse: Scrambled words '37' de marit64, postée le 18-11-2009 à 22:28:03 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your great work.

Here are the answers:

1-inherit (hériter) 2-tiptoe (marcher sur la pointe des pieds) 3-earwig (perce-oreille) 4-jacket (veston, veste) 5-retina (rétine) 6-approach ("s")approcher)
7-ventriloquist (ventriloque) 8-urge (forte envie) 9-cellar (cave) 10-sparrow (moineau).

Thanks a lot for your participation.

So long


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