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About different customs

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About different customs
Message from huila posted on 03-11-2009 at 07:25:42 (D | E | F)

In western countries, if the host doesn't want the person invited to take the present,is it appropriate to say “You need not bring anything except your mouth, eyes and ears.”or"By the way, you should not bring any present"?
Thank you!

Edited by lucile83 on 03-11-2009 07:36

Re: About different customs from seb06000, posted on 03-11-2009 at 10:42:11 (D | E)

this expression is original but it is grammatically correct. I'm just questioning the use of Should for the second sentence, perhaps Need would be more appropriate



Re: About different customs from huila, posted on 03-11-2009 at 14:46:13 (D | E)
Thank you for your answer, I agree with you that need may be more appropriate, since now I am doing a research about pragmatic failure, the sentences are selected from the Chinese students' writing.

Re: About different customs from horid, posted on 12-11-2009 at 09:43:27 (D | E)
HaHa ,I know that, that's chinese-english ...or I think you can choose a more funny method, "don't bring anything just you body is enough, cause we have too much things in our warehouse"

Re: About different customs from mapdark, posted on 28-11-2009 at 07:10:15 (D | E)
If you want to be more informal you can use : "You only have to bring yourself to this party"

In a more formal way :
"You do not have to bring presents"

Never say you SHOULD NOT , it makes it sound like you ABSOLUTELY don,t want present from them and it is sort of rude.

Re: About different customs from quartzlee, posted on 28-11-2009 at 08:31:41 (D | E)
I think them are right

Re: About different customs from jonquille, posted on 28-11-2009 at 17:29:31 (D | E)

Here, we'll often say, "You don't need to bring anything, just bring yourself!"


Re: About different customs from elaine, posted on 29-11-2009 at 12:26:23 (D | E)
haw-haw,I once shared your problem in the case,and my friend told me the answer :Don't have to bring any gifts,but yourself.

Re: About different customs from pencil88, posted on 04-12-2009 at 18:33:38 (D | E)
The topic is interesting. In case, I think that we can say: " You needn't bring any gift except yourself cause you are such our precious present !"

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