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Correction CV

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Correction CV
Message de anirelles posté le 12-10-2009 à 16:14:36 (S | E | F)


Je suis en train d'écrire un CV en anglais pour chercher un travail au Canada et j'aimerais si possible demander votre aide pour détecter mes erreurs et m'aider à améliorer celui-ci. Je remercie vraiment tous ceux qui pourront y jeter un petit coup d'oeil.

Position of Interest : SOFTWARE PROGRAMMER

Offer the following qualifications:

- Master’s Degree in computer science with five years of accomplished software programming experience.
- Strong programming skills focused on code quality (XP techniques, best practices, design pattern, OOP concepts).
- Hard working nature and passion for the new technologies resulting in continuous learning.


2007-2009 : Enterprise X. Solution Delivery department. Consultant in a financial software company (company providing an electronic trading platform):
• Interface between Enterprise X customers (investment banks like HSBC) and R&D team to effectively identify problems and formulate solutions.
• Project of type proof of concept on-site (Lehman Brothers).
• Training of team and support for helping to integrate the Enterprise X platform.
• Maintenance of several applications (web administration tool, desktop and web user interface for traders).
• Participation in controlling quality of Enterprise X solutions by writing test cases, implementing automated tests, checking packages before delivering and developing a benchmark tool.

2004-2006 : Enterprise Y. Integrator of an IAM (Identity and Access Management) solution for a consulting company. Several projects on-site using the framework BMC Directory Management and Visualization:
• Development of enterprise directories.
• Implementation of audit systems.
• Implementation of workflows.


Master’s Degree in computer science and management

Two-year university degree in computer science

Réponse: Correction CV de seb06000, postée le 12-10-2009 à 17:12:07 (S | E)

je crois qu'il n'y a rien à corriger mais attendons que quelqu'un relise votre travail!



Réponse: Correction CV de anirelles, postée le 21-10-2009 à 13:17:18 (S | E)
Merci pour cette réponse


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