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Concours professeur des écoles

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Concours professeur des écoles
Message de angeliquemerand posté le 28-08-2009 à 14:52:32 (S | E | F)


Je recherche des personnes qui seraient prêtes à m'aider pour la préparation de mon concours de professeurs des écoles. On nous demande un niveau B1 OU B2; si des personnes sont prêtes à me conseiller et à m'aider, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.

Merci d'avance


Modifié par lucile83 le 28-08-2009 15:02

Réponse: Concours professeur des écoles de lauretess, postée le 30-08-2009 à 20:07:40 (S | E)

Vous devez présenter oralement un texte qui vous a été donné, en lire un extrait (chosi par le jury) et répondre à un entretien (30 minutes de préparation). L'épreuve dure environ 20 minutes. Voici un exemple type d'un texte de CRPE

By Catherine Elsworth in Los Angeles - News Telegraph - 23 March 2006
A family of six which disappeared on an overnight trip to the Oregon coast spent more than two weeks trapped in a snow-bound camper van before being rescued. They survived on dehydrated food and melted snow as they waited for help, watching news of rescuers' efforts on an old black-and-white television. On Monday, they learned that emergency crews, fearing the worst, had called off the search. Pete Stivers and his wife Marlo decided to set out for help and trekked through the wilderness for two days before being picked up. Rescuers then located the 35ft motor home, stranded on a logging road, 17 days after the
family had set out on March 4. There were emotional scenes as Mr Stivers, 29, and his 31-year-old wife were reunited with their children, Sabastyan, nine, and Gabrayell, eight, and Mr Stivers' mother and stepfather, Becky and Elbert Higginbotham, in Glendale. "I'm so proud of my family," Mr Higginbotham said. "They stuck together, they didn't lose it." The family disappeared after opting to take a scenic route through mountains. But the roads were buried in up to four feet of snow and they tried to turn back. When the van became
trapped they found that the area was too remote for mobile phones.
"We had fuel and food but we were running short. We were rationing," said Mr Higginbotham, who lives in Arizona and relied on his desert survival skills.
Mr Stivers said his children had never panicked during their ordeal. "They enjoyed it. They didn't know we were in trouble."

Good luck


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