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Correction/cooking (1)

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Message from memo posted on 25-08-2009 at 04:54:17


how are you everyone??

I want to ask you about the grammar

the Sentence:
. I AM COOKING dinner tonight. Would you like to come?

why not tell ( I will cooking )

thanks everyone

Edited by lucile83 on 25-08-2009 06:35

Edited by bridg on 25-09-2009 09:30

Re: Correction/cooking by sophie051413, posted on 25-08-2009 at 06:13:44
Hi Memo:
I am a Chinese student.
First,maybe you spell "grammar" in a wrong way.
If you want to use "will",you should say " I will cook".
Because "will" is a modal verb,the verb behind it should be in its original shape form.
I don't know whether I explain in a right way.
I hope what I say helps you.

Edited by lucile83 on 25-08-2009 06:37

Re: Correction/cooking by kavii, posted on 25-08-2009 at 13:28:30
Hi, because it is nearly future you should always use "gonna"( going to).

Like- I'm going to make dinner tonight.

You can use "will" indeed, but it is not appropriate here. I dont know why.

Re: Correction/cooking by brettdallen, posted on 25-08-2009 at 21:05:19
There's something weird here! who would say "I will cook dinner/I"m going to make dinner" or else to invite someone?(unless this is unusual or you're a terrific cook!).

Re: Correction/cooking by memo, posted on 25-08-2009 at 21:41:38
Thanks to whose who advised me and I hope to be reported with a question everyone

Edited by memo on 25-08-2009 21:45

Re: Correction/cooking by saleem, posted on 12-09-2009 at 21:19:55

When we use the present continuous to refer to the future ,it is planned future
but the use of will for the future isn't planned.
"going to "do something means you have the intention before and maybe you have a diary. But " will" you may do the cooking or not.
Thanks " saleemabu"

Edited by lucile83 on 13-09-2009 14:58
I'm not sure it is a very clear explanation!

Re: Correction/cooking by smartway, posted on 13-09-2009 at 14:38:38
i am cooking dinner tonight .
it is nearly future, for that reason we used (Be+v+ing)
we don't say :i am going to cook tonight because this action is not going to happen now but in this night(nearly future).
and we don't say:i will cook tonight, because this action will happen today in the night(nearly future) not tomorrow or after week.

Re: Correction/cooking by semperreg, posted on 13-09-2009 at 16:04:51
I did not understand any of your explanations.

i am cooking tonight : the speaker talks about the action he is going to do, the process
- the speaker is present
- it is present or very near or past
- it is a temporary action
- maybe he is forced to do so (every week they have a meal between friends and this time it is his turn to cook)

Not very clear for myself either.

Re: Correction/cooking by intrepid34, posted on 13-09-2009 at 20:22:35
Dear Brettdallen

I would like my husband to say "I will cook dinner tonight" or I am going to cook dinner tonight!" That is something weird!!

Best wishes

Re: Correction/cooking by lucile83, posted on 13-09-2009 at 20:39:02
I would be glad if you could come home and have dinner with me ! I'll be cooking/I'll cook/I am cooking tonight...

that is supposed to warn the guests that they take some risks when facing my cooking

Anyway memo ' I will cooking' does not exist.
Have a nice dinner everybody! Bye.

Re: Correction/cooking by hameedo, posted on 25-09-2009 at 08:47:15
you cook every day. so you speak in present simple, when you talk about any thing work in every day speak in present

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