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kittaby /British-USA Pen pals

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kittaby /British-USA Pen pals
Message de kittaby posté le 14-08-2009 à 17:13:25 (S | E | F)

Hello everybody!
I'm writing in English because today, I'm here to find a couple of pen pals. But when I say pen pals, I mean people with whom I can exchange snail mails (postcards). I am looking for British or American pen pals. I have a tiny preference for England, but USA is fine too. I am absolutely not looking for French pen pals, sorry. =D
I live in France and I almost speak fluently english (I do mistakes...) because I'm half english. =)
If you are interested, just answer. =D
P.S : I'm a girl of fourteen years old and I am looking for somebody of my age (at least 14 and not over 16). =D
Thank you all. =)

Modifié par bridg le 14-08-2009 17:19


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