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Help in grammar (1)

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Help in grammar
Message from leaner posted on 16-07-2009 at 16:41:07

I need your help the question is that to change the two sentences into passive voice
1- shakespeare wrote hamlet .( Hamlet was been wrote by shakespeare ) is this is correct or not ########
2- that man is stealing my car ( my car is been stealing by that man ) is this is correct or not .
I need help quickly, I have test

Edited by lucile83 on 16-07-2009 17:37

Edited by lucile83 on 02-09-2009 14:17

Re: Help in grammar by tililaroze, posted on 16-07-2009 at 17:17:51
To tronsform from active to passive and the opposite you must know the rules first.
The tense of your first sentence is the past simple so in the passive it becomes "was+past participle".Therefore the correction is:Hamlet was written by Shakespear.
the seconde sentence is in the present continuous so it becomes "is+being+past participle".Therefore the correction is:my car is being stolen by that man.
good luck.

Re: Help in grammar by basma18, posted on 07-08-2009 at 12:12:16
To transforme from the active to the passive voice you must follow these rules:
-In the first sentence,the tense of the verb is "the past simple"so in the passive it becomes"was+ the past participle of the verb","was" is the past simple of the verb "to be" because "wrote" is in te past so we must use the auxiallery"to be" in the past,so the sentence becomes:Hamlet was written by Shakespear.
-In the second sentence,the verb is in "the present continous" so in the passive voice ,we use the verbe "to be " in the present simple+being+ the past participle of the verb.It becomes:my car is being stolen by that man.
Good luck!

Re: Help in grammar by godofen, posted on 07-08-2009 at 13:27:20
These seem to be questions in the placement test.
We've got to know the tense of a sentence before changing it into passive voice.Be aware of the subject,the object and the verb in the meanwhile.
1.simple present ----> Object + be + past participle + by + Subject
2.past simple--->Object + was/were + past participle + by + Subject
3.present continuous ----> Object + be + being + past participle + by + Subject
4.past continuous ---> Object + was/were + being + past participle + by +Subject
Hope that is helpful~~

Re: Help in grammar by lylalilouch, posted on 13-08-2009 at 15:21:36
the correct form of your sentences is:
1- Hamlet was written by shakespeare .
2- My car is being stolen by that man.

*In the first active sentence you have used the past simple ,so in the passive form you have to conjugate the verbe "to be" in the same tense of the active sentence ( the past simple) and you have to add the past participle of the active verb which is "to write, written"

*To be in the past simple(was)+write in the past participle(written)*

*In the second active sentence you have used the present continous ,so in the passive form you have to conjugate the verbe"to be" in the present continous and you add the past participle of the active verb (to steal,stolen )

**To be in the present continous (is being)+ to steal in the past participle (stolen) *

*The passive is formed by putting "to be" into the same tense of the active sentence and adding the past participle of the active verb.

Re: Help in grammar by freemind11, posted on 13-08-2009 at 15:59:49
1. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
2. My car is being stolen by that man.
passive voice: be + past participle, the verb "be" should be in the same tense and mood, and the positions of the subject and the object be changed with adding "by" in the original subject.

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