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Scrambled words '21' (1)

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Scrambled words '21'
Message de marit64 posté le 15-07-2009 à 22:13:42


Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- To be too concerned with or pay too much attention to unimportant details. ..... (susf)
2- A large amount. ..... (nndcbeuaa)
3- A deep track made by a wheel in soft ground. ..... (urt)
4- An argument or quarrel. ..... (stdpeiu)
5- To draw back in fear; to shudder. ..... (aqlui)
6- Evil; cruel; likely to attack or cause harm. ..... (uisvoic)
7- The standard unit of currency in the People's Republic of China. ..... (aynu)
8- To go with someone or play a musical instrument to go along with a singer. ..... (pyccnamao)
9- The hard white substance forming the tusks of an elephant, walrus etc. ..... (rioyv)
10- Complain or criticise continually. ..... (ang)

Good luck and have fun!

You'll receive the answers next Wednesday.

So long

Modifié par bridg le 22-07-2009 22:04

Réponse: Scrambled words '21' de inga, postée le 15-07-2009 à 22:41:08
Hello Marit,

1. fuss

thanks for this one, it was pretty hard!

Réponse: Scrambled words '21' de brettdallen, postée le 16-07-2009 à 00:30:35
Hello Marit,
Here we go for #21!

Thank you very much again!

Réponse: Scrambled words '21' de dolfin56, postée le 16-07-2009 à 11:26:53
Hello Marit,

1- To be too concerned with or pay too much attention to unimportant details. ...fuss
2- A large amount. ...abundance.
3- A deep track made by a wheel in soft ground. ...rut
4- An argument or quarrel. ...dispute
5- To draw back in fear; to shudder. ..quail
6- Evil; cruel; likely to attack or cause harm. ....vicious.
7- The standard unit of currency in the People's Republic of China. ..yuan
8- To go with someone or play a musical instrument to go along with a singer. ...accompany
9- The hard white substance forming the tusks of an elephant, walrus etc. ..ivory.
10- Complain or criticise continually..nag

thanks for this one, have nice time.

Réponse: Scrambled words '21' de swan85, postée le 16-07-2009 à 13:30:14

Helo Marit

1/ Fuss
2/ Abundance
3/ Rut
4/ Dispute
5/ Quail
6/ Vicious
7/ Yuan
8/ Accompany
9/ Ivory

Thank you
See you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '21' de nina80, postée le 16-07-2009 à 17:52:07
Hello Marit,

1 - to fuss
2 - abundance
3 - rut
4 - dispute
5 - to quail
6 - vicious
7 - yuan
8 - to accompany
9 - ivory
10- nag

Merci Marit. Have a nice holiday

Réponse: Scrambled words '21' de eos17, postée le 17-07-2009 à 18:12:53
Hello Marit
here my words
5-to quail ?
Thank you for this new and very difficult" scrambled words"
Have a good weekend

Réponse: Scrambled words '21' de marit64, postée le 22-07-2009 à 21:18:02
Hi everybody!

for your good work. I understand, sometimes, some words are more difficult to find than others but you're very good.

Here are the answers:

1-fuss (faire des histoires) 2-abundance (abondance) 3-rut (ornière) 4-dispute (dispute) 5-quail (reculer) 6-vicious (méchant) 7-yuan (yuan) 8-accompany (accompagner) 9-ivory (ivoire) 10-nag (harceler).

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long

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