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The first certificate (1)

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The first certificate
Message from jag posted on 12-07-2009 at 14:21:29

Hi everybody!

I'm French and I love English .I was very good at English at school but 15 years passed...And I still love it!!I didn't work haven't practised English since I left school.Do you think it's possible for me to take and pass the first certificate? Is it too late?

Sorry if my text is not correct.

Thanks a lot for your answers!!!

Edited by lucile83 on 12-07-2009 14:32

Edited by lucile83 on 15-07-2009 21:09

Re: The first certificate by lucile83, posted on 12-07-2009 at 14:48:32
If you think you have reached level B2 you can take that exam and pass it.
Anyway you have to try.
I suggest you go there:

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

If you have any question, just ask here.
Best wishes.

Re: The first certificate by jag, posted on 12-07-2009 at 15:12:20
Thank you very much lucile.I will do take these tests to know what I must work improve !!!!

Edited by lucile83 on 12-07-2009 15:46

Re: The first certificate by aching, posted on 15-07-2009 at 08:04:53
hi,i'm a chinese.As our old saying goes 'it's never too late to learn'
i long believe you shuold study english again,try your best
you will go there
by the way i'm beginner of english,if you find anything wrong,just point out it

Edited by aching on 15-07-2009 16:31

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