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Summer reading (1)

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Summer reading
Message from jonquille posted on 02-07-2009 at 06:39:47

Summer holidays is a great time to read! I like having a list of books to read that other people have recommended.
Have you read a book recently? What is its title? What did you think of it?

Edited by lucile83 on 02-07-2009 06:42
To members :
Please write correct English.Lists of books won't be accepted.

Edited by bridg on 13-01-2010 06:22

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 02-07-2009 at 16:01:59
Nice to see you.
I also do want to read some English novels.Can you recomend one?

Edited by bridg on 02-07-2009 17:11

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 02-07-2009 at 17:04:37

Currently i read some books about Haruki Murakami
He is a Japanese writer.
He wrote some wonderful storys with thinking the hometown as a watchman,
as well as thingking the ubiquitous youth and the past
I think it's great.
And the books that are written by freud are good,though i read a little.

Re: Summer reading by jonquille, posted on 02-07-2009 at 17:23:48
Sorry lucile83....in the USA, summer vacation IS correct! British English uses the phrase "summer holidays." A holiday here, is a "Bank Holiday" in the UK. That aside, have you read a good book lately?

PS I didn't want a list of books, only ideas! We can all make our list of books that seem interesting.

Edited by jonquille on 02-07-2009 17:40

Re: Summer reading by lucile83, posted on 02-07-2009 at 17:51:02
Hello jonquille,
Yes you are right,vacation is used in the USA for holidays,
and also :
Edited by lucile83 on 02-07-2009 06:42
Please write correct English.Lists of books won't be accepted.
it was not for you !! it was for the members answering your topic !I realise now you might understand the wrong way round!sorry for that.

Well, I have read a book by Marc Levy, about a competition between an angel and a devil during 7 days, but the book was in French.I don't know yet which book will be the next one I'll re-re-read; it may be The Princess of Cleves or Crime and Punishment or a book by Zola, I love him.
Best wishes

Re: Summer reading by loic12, posted on 02-07-2009 at 19:56:50
Hello everybody!
I'm french, and if you have already read books in your language that i can read this summer to improve my english and that is not too difficult to understand, i'm really interested!
However, i recommend you to read Dan Brown books (the author of 'Da Vinci Code'), and if you prefer slight books, you will enjoy "Twilight", by Stephenie Meyer ( i know this is not some great literature!).
Last year on the beach, i read "I'm legend" (the book which inspired the movie with Will Smith), by Richard Matheson, and it was really captivating!

Enjoy your holidays (or your vacation)!

(don't hesitate to point out my mistakes! thanks)

Re: Summer reading by jonquille, posted on 02-07-2009 at 20:58:32
The "Twilight" series of books is very popular here now! Many of the students are reading it in school. I hope to read at least one book in the series this summer, so I know what they are talking about!

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 07-07-2009 at 14:44:59
I like reading many styles of novels. This time i read some novels about YISHU.Do you hear of the famous woman in Taiwan. There are many independent and sexy ladies in her story.

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 08-07-2009 at 15:09:00
hi everybody .. I have this idea from one monthe to prepare for a summer .it's a chance to improve our skills in english esp. it's my major . I don't know what I will read ?? but I like novel like Robinson Crouse . and I wait your favorit book to choose it for read it in this summer ..... thanks

Re: Summer reading by jonquille, posted on 09-07-2009 at 02:55:25
Bill Bryson has written many books about the USA. One of them, A Walk in the Woods, is about his backpacking trip along the Appalachian Trail in the eastern USA (from Georgia to Maine). A very interesting book as well as one that is fun to read!

Re: Summer reading by jessica, posted on 09-07-2009 at 03:57:28
Hi everybody! Very glad that you'll have a wonderful summer holiday to ready your favorite books. Me, I'm a business woman, as a merchandiser, after graduate I have no summer or winter holiday, but I'll be glad if you can recommend some interesting books, and will read them in my spare time.


Re: Summer reading by , posted on 09-07-2009 at 10:33:15
i am sorry i have no time to read a book completly,but i will have a try

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 09-07-2009 at 10:34:36
i am sorry i have no time to read a book completely,but i will have a try

Re: Summer reading by kary19, posted on 13-07-2009 at 23:25:59
For me reading is the key method to improve our skills in English language or even in other languages. Summer is the only period which I have the time to enjoy studying, reading, and doing well. I read ""The Fall of the House of Usher" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, it's great. If you have other English novel's title don't hesitate to send it for me. Good luck for all here.

Take care!

Re: Summer reading by abdou005, posted on 14-07-2009 at 12:56:56
HEllo everybody!! Thanks a lot Jonquille for this wonderfull topic.I'm Awfully sorry for my bad English,cuz I'm just a beginner.I also love reading books in summer a lotlike : short stories,B.D.That really makes knowledge grow^^.

Re: Summer reading by titanezuzu, posted on 14-07-2009 at 14:05:26
Hello everyone!
It's a pleasure to read all of your ideas about readingin English!
As one of you said B.D.s are useful for speaking! I was given Obama in French which really opened my eyes and am now reading it in US English. It was a good translation and now I enjoy comparing the language and discovering new vocab and expressions. It's worth doing with any book you've enjoyed in translation. Good luck! titanezuzu

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 25-07-2009 at 14:07:23
Hello everybody!I plan to read many books in summer vacation,but just like I what I said ,it was only a plan.But I still read some of them--but no one is english book.I think I can read one english book,which is easy to read and understand.Can you recomend me one?

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 26-07-2009 at 08:08:17
Hello!everyone here!Recenty i intend to read the novel Twilight.I just watched this movie before, but i think it's very attractive. I hope someone who read this book could communicate with me! Have a nice day!!

Re: Summer reading by smartway, posted on 18-08-2009 at 12:40:48
i'm fond of reading ,so i have many books in french and english,my brst novelist is VICTOR HUGO,precisely his novel " LES MISERABLES" which made me cry and laugh.
for novelists of these years i admired the novelist DAN BROWN,i read two novels of him this summer:"DECEPTION POINT" and "ANGES & DEMONS", they were fantastic

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 18-08-2009 at 20:08:35
to my mind summer holiday is the best time to novels,poetry and other type of books in order to improve our vocabulary and writing skills...

Re: Summer reading by , posted on 24-08-2009 at 00:58:58
Nice and very important element that with no doubt helps any one who wants to improve his English by reading! I have read many books, however (Animal Farm) was the best book I have ever read. Believe me it is a must-read book. Try it and you will know what I am talking about!!!

Re: Summer reading by hhadavi_91, posted on 24-08-2009 at 05:48:27
Hi, friend
In reading, I think there is no difference which book you read. It is just important to read a general book(like a story book) that doesn't have lots of especial expressions. Thats it I think. But tell me the book you want, if you find it!

Re: Summer reading by may, posted on 11-01-2010 at 02:16:19

Well, this is one of the "cold case"

However, I would like to recommend "Angela's Ashes, A Memoir", the author is
Frank McCourt. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the book.

Best regards,


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