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Scrambled words '18'

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Scrambled words '18'
Message de marit64 posté le 25-06-2009 à 01:16:18 (S | E | F)


Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A person who is in charge of performances in a circus ring. ..... (sirgtnrema)
2- The way or right of approach or entry or the way or right to meet someone or use something. ..... (csasec)
3- To risk losing money on the result of a horse-race etc. ..... (megbal)
4- A shortened form of a statement, story etc giving only the main points. ..... (asmyumr)
5- Tiny drops of moisture coming from the air as it cools. especially at night. ..... (ewd)
6- Fit to be worn. ..... (rebwalae)
7- A hard seed ground into a powder and used as a spice in food. ..... (etgnum)
8- A female horse. ..... (arem)
9- A four-footed animal. ..... (reqpadudu)
10- A small book containing a record of daily happenings. ..... (aydri)

Good luck and have fun.

I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de kolimang, postée le 25-06-2009 à 12:06:37 (S | E)
Hello Marit!

Here are my answers :
1- ringmaster
2- access
3- to gamble
4- summary
5- dew
6- wearable
7- nutmeg
8- mare
9- quadruped
10- diary

Thank you, Have a good week!

Modifié par kolimang le 25-06-2009 12:07

Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de dolfin56, postée le 25-06-2009 à 15:49:29 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
Thanks for this last one.

1- A person who is in charge of performances in a circus ring. ...a ringmaster.
2- The way or right of approach or entry or the way or right to meet someone or use something. ....an access.
3- To risk losing money on the result of a horse-race etc. ....to gamble
4- A shortened form of a statement, story etc giving only the main points. .... a summary
5- Tiny drops of moisture coming from the air as it cools. especially at night. ...the dew.
6- Fit to be worn. ...wearable.
7- A hard seed ground into a powder and used as a spice in food. ...a nutmeg.
8- A female horse. ...a mare.
9- A four-footed animal. ...a quadruped..
10- A small book containing a record of daily happenings. ..a diary.

have a nice week, see you later.

Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de pivoine91, postée le 25-06-2009 à 22:34:46 (S | E)
Hello Marit!

I enjoy to meet you again with your scrambled words !!

. 2 . ACCESS
. 3 . GAMBLE
. 5 . DEW
. 7 . NUTMEG
. 8 . MARE
.10 . DIARY

Many thanks and have a good evening and week end ! Read you soon or later ! as you want or you can !! So long...


Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de eos17, postée le 26-06-2009 à 10:49:05 (S | E)
Hello marit
Many thanks for your new scrambled words .Today,I have learnt :nutmeg .
3-to gamble
Have a good week ,seeyou soon .

Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de nina80, postée le 26-06-2009 à 19:07:55 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit,

1 - Ringmaster
2 - access
3 - to gamble
4 - summary
5 - dew
6 - wearable
7 - nutmeg
8 - mare
9 - quadruped
10- diary

Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de brettdallen, postée le 26-06-2009 à 22:10:05 (S | E)
Hi Marit,
I'm late this time, it's getting hectic these days...
Here we go for these scrambled words:

1 - Ringmaster
2 - access
3 - gamble
4 - summary
5 - dew
6 - wearable
7 - nutmeg
8 - mare
9 - quadruped
10- diary

Thank you ever so much again!

Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de hmarie, postée le 29-06-2009 à 19:58:50 (S | E)
Hello Marit!
Thank you for these new scrambled words.
Here are my answers:
1. ringmaster
2. access
3. gamble
4. summary
5. dew
6. wearable
7. nutmeg
8. mare
9. quadruped
10. diary
See you later.

Réponse: Scrambled words '18' de marit64, postée le 01-07-2009 à 21:38:55 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your good work!

Here are the answers:

1-ringmaster (maître de cirque) 2-access (accès) 3-gamble (jouer, parier, miser) 4-summary (résumé, sommaire) 5-dew (rosée) 6-wearable (mettable)
7-nutmeg (muscade) 8-mare (jument) 9-quadruped (quadrupède) 10-diary (journal).

Thank you very much for your participation.

So long


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