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What does it mean (1)

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What does it mean
Message from alsalehi82 posted on 24-05-2009 at 16:27:45

Hi all
I'd like to ask you a question.
Who knows what does the sentence (let me gift you white pigeon) means?

Edited by lucile83 on 25-05-2009 12:20

Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2009 17:11

Re: What does it mean by jonquille, posted on 25-05-2009 at 03:43:36
I think you're missing some words. What is the context?

Re: What does it mean by jurate, posted on 25-05-2009 at 23:48:32
Hi!Maybe you are angry with this person, and he wants to make peace whit you.White pigeon is the symbol of peace.Good luck!!

Re: What does it mean by ronnychen, posted on 26-05-2009 at 03:17:07
I think the meaning is that you donot want to connect with the person any more.

Re: What does it mean by nada1, posted on 26-05-2009 at 05:30:06
let me gift you white pigeon.It means let me give you peace ie.let us have peace and live in peace

Re: What does it mean by d-luffy, posted on 26-05-2009 at 06:59:37
I also think it means peace . Maybe the person just wants to get along well with you.

Re: What does it mean by deekiu, posted on 07-06-2009 at 15:47:03
I do not konw what does it really means yet! I also want to know the meaning,I guess that it may be means "i want to kick you up!"and so on.

Edited by lucile83 le 07-06-2009 16:02
Please read the posts above.

Re: What does it mean by manefa188, posted on 07-06-2009 at 16:16:27

Re: What does it mean by heyizhe18, posted on 07-06-2009 at 22:51:36
The word gift as a verb has the meaning that to give someone something as a gift . so i think the sentence means he or she want to make peace with you

Re: What does it mean by one1ndra, posted on 08-06-2009 at 07:35:01
i think he or she want give you White Pigeon for livestocks. :D

Re: What does it mean by deekiu, posted on 08-06-2009 at 11:59:10
OH,im sorry that it may means "i think we should live in peace".

Re: What does it mean by bossarsene, posted on 08-06-2009 at 16:41:06
Hi!! I think so that the white pigeon is the peace symbol

Re: What does it mean by sbosd53, posted on 08-06-2009 at 17:05:00
hi; i think that the sentence mean someone want to do feel the peace of mind and tranquility

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