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Correction lettre motivation (1)

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Correction lettre motivation
Message de kadouj posté le 30-04-2009 à 20:39:34 (S | E | F)

Hello everybody

I need help for a registration in university of Lincoln..
Voici-ci dessous ce que j'ai écrit, pouvez-vous me dire si j'ai fais de grosses fautes?

Thanks a lot.

I would like to integrate Lincoln’s University in particular the Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA Hons) in Legal and Administrative Studies.

I passed my DUT legal careers at the university of ***** in **** where i studied various subjects of law: commercial law, criminal law, civil law, law of the european union, constitutional law, administrative law...ect. I am currently student in the Law faculty of **** in second year (license 2) and i am really interested for study the other way of conceiving the law and perfect the english language.

It is for it that i want to apply for this BA Hons in Lincoln University for the start 2009-2010

Yours faithfully.

Modifié par bridg le 30-04-2009 21:04

Réponse: Correction lettre motivation de jonew10, postée le 30-04-2009 à 21:00:15 (S | E)

I would like to integrate Lincoln’s University in particular the Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA Hons) in Legal and Administrative Studies.

I passed my DUT legal careers at the university of ***** in **** where i studied various subjects of law: commercial law, criminal law, civil law, law of the european union, constitutional law, administrative law...ect. I am currently student in the Law faculty of **** in second year (license 2) and i am really interested for study the other way of conceiving the law and perfect the english (language).

It is for it that i want to apply for this BA Hons in Lincoln University for the start 2009-2010

Réponse: Correction lettre motivation de kadouj, postée le 01-05-2009 à 00:46:28 (S | E)

Thank you for your participation but everything it's ok?

C'est quoi les petits "attention"?

Réponse: Correction lettre motivation de kadouj, postée le 01-05-2009 à 21:28:42 (S | E)
personne pour me répondre

Réponse: Correction lettre motivation de littleparis, postée le 16-05-2009 à 16:22:19 (S | E)
Les veulent dire que c'est faux, comme devant ton "i", j'pense que tu le sais, mais faut mettre "I" en majuscule. Après quand tu dis " I am really interested for study ", j'pense qu'il faut mettre " I am really interested to study ". Et aussi quand tu dis " I would like to integrate Lincoln’s University ", j'crois qu'il faut mettre " I would like to intergrate into Lincoln's University ". Renseigne toi au cas où, parce que je ne fais que ma 4ème au collège.


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