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Why (1)

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Message from wj89891 posted on 15-04-2009 at 08:50:12

I am an newer in here,I am a Chinese,I have some question to ask person here.I received an email, i can't understanding it,who can translate idiomatic English.The email as follow:

My name is Miryan Mendoza, from *** company , we are the company importer of Enrique.Once you have the tracking number please let me know for follow-up, and if you have a copy for the commercial invoicce please attach.

I will be on net waiting for you

Edited by bridg on 29-04-2009 06:18

Re: Why by dolfin56, posted on 15-04-2009 at 09:21:46
Hello wj,

My name is Miryan Mendoza, from *** company , we are the company importer of Enrique.Once you have the tracking number please let me know for follow-up, and if you have a copy for the commercial invoicce please attach.
I will be on net waiting for you

Mon nom est Miryan Mendoza, de la compagnie ***;nous sommes la compagnie importatrice de Enrique (Henri?).Si vous avez le numéro de suivi,soyez aimable de me le communiquer, et si vous avez la facture (commerciale), veuillez nous la joindre.
J'attends votre réponse.

Re: Why by wj89891, posted on 15-04-2009 at 10:23:24
To dolfin56,
Thanks,but that is not my want, I meaning i want to know what's the relationship from email sender with Enrique?can you help me ?

Re: Why by dolfin56, posted on 15-04-2009 at 11:00:05
Hi, wj,
I'm sorry, but I know nothing about this company...!the only relation I see is that this company seems to import Enrique's products....
I can't say more!

Re: Why by wj89891, posted on 16-04-2009 at 03:39:12
To dolfin56:
Thanks,because I am a fresh man here,can you teach me english?I am an Chinese?which country you?

Re: Why by lucile83, posted on 16-04-2009 at 08:06:49
Hello wj89891,
This is a public forum,thus you can't have private conversations here .
If you want a penfriend you have to ask in the correspondent forum.
Best wishes.

Re: Why by wj89891, posted on 16-04-2009 at 09:35:59
To lucile83,
I am sorry,I know,thank you

Re: Why by gymnaste, posted on 27-04-2009 at 19:39:24
Hello ! I learn English and I want to perfect in the language. If somebody want speak French with me, I want. See you too . Bye

Re: Why by wj89891, posted on 29-04-2009 at 04:46:34
hello,gymnaste,can you teach me French?

Re: Why by kounassi, posted on 29-04-2009 at 05:42:26
hello dear
just want to tell you ti be very careful about such emails

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