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How to teach writing lessons (1)

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How to teach writing lessons
Message de ndoucha posté le 06-04-2009 à 22:05:14 (S | E | F)

Hi,I'm an English teacher.
I always have problems in writing lessons.Can anybody help me please?
How can I teach my pupils write meaningful paragraphs?

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-04-2009 22:10
forum professeurs

Réponse: How to teach writing lessons de sadie72, postée le 08-04-2009 à 17:51:07 (S | E)
Hi Ndoucha,
I'm new on this forum. I also have problems when it comes to writing.
Well,why not use little story pictures (well, it depends on your pupils' age)to make them write little sentences?
You can start with a brainstorming.

If your pupils are older, you can use what we call"writing as a process".The work is done through different steps, but on a longer period (3 sesions for example). This is how I usually proceed:
1/reading the topic
2/making a plan
3/jotting down ideas
4/writing a first draft
5/ peer correction
6/writing a second draft
7/rereadig the second draft and making the necessary corrections
As a final step,submit it to the teacher or read it to classmates.
it's a good way, i think, though it takes a long time.
(some of my pupils are not quite successful as far as writing is concerned, due to their poor language background)

Réponse: How to teach writing lessons de lauryn972, postée le 25-04-2009 à 04:06:07 (S | E)

Why not simply get them used to elaborating short and simple sums up after each study of documents, this really works out! All the more so if you introuduce or present synonyms, new phrases etc. like they often do in high school.


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