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Give me five (1)

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Give me five
Message from learning67 posted on 05-04-2009 at 17:09:09

Hi All,

If someone told you "Give me Five" on the phone, what will you reply?



Edited by bridg on 30-04-2009 20:20

Re: Give me five by papon2000, posted on 05-04-2009 at 18:27:59
give me five mean " Something that you say when you want someone to hit your open hand with theirs, in order to greet them or to show how pleased you are "

Re: Give me five by cassey143, posted on 06-04-2009 at 05:46:17
it means apir!
it means, you are great, or did a great job.

Re: Give me five by aminerhio, posted on 09-04-2009 at 23:09:27
i did not know and you what will do?

Re: Give me five by nana3, posted on 10-04-2009 at 04:54:00
hi five

Re: Give me five by nana3, posted on 10-04-2009 at 04:56:44
hi five to all of yours

Re: Give me five by dxwno1, posted on 24-04-2009 at 15:48:12
I don't know what it means,but maybe i would say six is OK

Re: Give me five by dolfin56, posted on 24-04-2009 at 16:53:52
Hello everybody,
"give me five" means "tope-la "in French.
it's what you say to someone to mean you agree with him about a deal.
formerly, people used to hit the opened hand of someone with whom they had a deal.Nowaydays, they only say: "give me five".(the five fingers=an opened hand.)
see you.

Lien Internet

Re: Give me five by magicxue, posted on 28-04-2009 at 07:28:24
agree with papon2000

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