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Mail (1)

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Message de camille111 posté le 03-04-2009 à 16:17:15 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, je dois envoyer un mail à un recruteur. Je dois éviter au maximum les fautes de langue. Merci de bien vouloir m'aider et de corriger ce mail, Charlyne.

Good afternoon, Ms Julia X,

As I said to Jude, I have a keen interest in doing my internship in your company, XX. I think I have the knowledges that you need to help you and your company. I can do market study, to analyse companies and markets, to prepare meetings, etc. I am good at organizing, researching. Moreover I am independent and very motivated to do this placement for a four-mouth in your company, Oxford Intelligence, from May to September. I can work for no salary. As a matter of course I prefer to be pay or to have an accomodation.
I really want to do a mission with a significant impact on the results.
I know that Jude sent you my CV and my cover letter. I hope that you will consider my application favorably.
Best regards,


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