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Scrambled words '5' (1)

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Scrambled words '5'
Message de marit64 posté le 25-03-2009 à 23:26:44 (S | E | F)


Unscrambled the words to find the right answer.

1- To keep throwing in the air and catching a number of objects (balls or clubs etc). ..... (gelugj)
2- Refusing to yield, obey etc. ..... (tosnibaet)
3- To put an end to a custom, law etc. ..... (lashobi)
4- To change into vapour and disappear. ..... (peavreato)
5- A long handled sweeping brush. ..... (ormob)
6- A vewing of a performance, exhibition etc before it is open to the public. ..... (erwvipe)
7- A painful swelling, containing pus. ..... (sbcases)
8- Full of desire, interest, enthusiastic. ..... (greae)
9- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals. ..... (lewrjlee)
10- A person who makes a living from some form of trade or commerce, not from one of the professions. ..... (senbisumasn)

Good luck and have fun!

I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '5' de nina80, postée le 26-03-2009 à 15:06:18 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1 - juggle
2 - obstinate
3 - abolish
4 - evaporate
5 - broom
6 - preview
7 - abscess
8 - eager
9 - jeweller
10- businessman

merci, à bientôt.

Modifié par nina80 le 26-03-2009 16:53

Réponse: Scrambled words '5' de eos17, postée le 26-03-2009 à 16:57:51 (S | E)
hello marit,
3-to abolish
4-to evaporate
5-a broom
7-an abscess
9-a jeweller
10-a businessman
See you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '5' de dolfin56, postée le 26-03-2009 à 18:01:51 (S | E)
Coucou, marit thank for this new one.

1- To keep throwing in the air and catching a number of objects (balls or clubs etc) juggle.
2- Refusing to yield, obey etc. obstinate
3- To put an end to a custom, law etc. abolish
4- To change into vapour and disappear.evaporate
5- A long handled sweeping brush. a broom)
6- A vewing of a performance, exhibition etc before it is open to the public.preview
7- A painful swelling, containing pus.abscess
8- Full of desire, interest, enthusiastic. eager
9- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals.jellewer
10- A person who makes a living from some form of trade or commerce, not from one of the professions.businessman

Réponse: Scrambled words '5' de marit64, postée le 01-04-2009 à 21:21:50 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your good work.

Here are the answers:

1-juggle (jongler) 2-obstinate (obstiné) 3-abolish (abolir) 4-evaporate ("s"évaporer) 5-broom (balai) 6-preview (avant-première) 7-abscess (abcès)
8-eager (désireux de) 9-jeweller (bijoutier) 10-businessman (homme d'affaires).

Thanks a lot for your participation, I appreciate it.

So long


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