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Passive voice (1)

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Passive voice
Message from bhardwaj002 posted on 23-03-2009 at 08:39:28 (D | E | F)

why "everyday" is used first of all in the third sentence.

Everyday John feeds the cat. THE CAT IS FED BY JOHN EVERYDAY.

Wrong! Correct answer: EVERYDAY THE CAT IS FED BY JOHN.

Re: Passive voice from brettdallen, posted on 23-03-2009 at 13:50:46 (D | E)
You could put it either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence but the test maker happens to have chosen the first possibility(like in the active structure). The exercise being computerized, the only acceptable solution is the one chosen by the person in charge of the test.
Hope you understand the principle.


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