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Combinations are vague (1)

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Combinations are vague
Message from moh09 posted on 21-03-2009 at 03:44:17 (D | E | F)

he everybody

When I read some piece of news , I find some combinations ( combined words )that seems vague to me . Sometimes I could get the intended meaning and sometimes I couldn`t . Examples of them :
mock-official ( found in the phrase : mock-official decoration )
quasi-official ( found in the phrase : quasi-official language )
lean-tos or loos
home-made look

May you help me get their meanings ?

Re: Combinations are vague from chrislondon, posted on 21-03-2009 at 23:18:05 (D | E)
It's difficult without the complete sentences but they probably mean:
'mock official decoration': I imagine that they are referring to a type of decoration which looks very 'office-like' and serious in style.
'quasi-official language': quasi' means 'false or pretended' in this context, so it probably means 'language which sounds official without actually being so.'
'lean-to: this is a small building that rests on the side of a larger building. You mentioned 'loo'. This is a toilet, so this lean-to could be used as a toilet.
'home-made look': this is used to describe something that looks as if it has been made by hand at home rather than by a machine in a factory. e.g. Her sweater has a home-made look about it. Maybe the sweater was made in a factory, but it looks as if she has made it herself at home.
I hope this helps you a little.
Best Wishes

Re: Combinations are vague from moh09, posted on 22-03-2009 at 02:51:52 (D | E)

Hi chrislondon

Thank you for your explanations . You made the vagious words clearer.
Best wishes too.


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