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Oleg/Lets meet (1)

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Oleg/Lets meet
Message de oleg posté le 04-03-2009 à 15:45:56 (S | E | F)

Hello. My name is Oleg. Im from Ukraine. Im 18 years old. Im study in the university. I like soccer. In my free time i like to travel.

Edited by bridg on 04-03-2009 16:11

Edited by lucile83 on 04-03-2009 16:13

Réponse: Oleg/Lets meet de inthenameofgod, postée le 04-03-2009 à 16:01:38 (S | E)
we can meet then and talk, so i'm sure we'll enjoy the time

Réponse: Oleg/Lets meet de inthenameofgod, postée le 04-03-2009 à 16:04:34 (S | E)
Hi every body, i'm an english graduated girl, i studied english at university, and now i want to learn frensh, i can read it and i have no problems at the level of rools but i can't speak it perfectly which makes me feel sad. i want to be perfect at frensh like english so if there is any one who wants to help i will be so grateful, thx


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