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Cover Letter (first work experience) (1)

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Cover Letter (first work experience)
Message from eliphas posted on 24-02-2009 at 18:58:04

Hi everybody !
I'm a french student and i'd like to have my first work experience abroad in July. So i've choosen some Icelandic companies, but before sending them my cover letter, i really would like someone whose english is native language to read it and tell me if it's formal and well written enough.
I'd grateful to have some advices !

So, here is my cover letter :

" Dear xxxxxxxxxxxx,

As a student in a graduate engineering school in France (ICAM - Institut Catholique des Arts et Métiers), and as a part of my degree, I am looking for a short industrial placement (1 month) in July 2009.
I was told by the French Embassy in Reykjavík that it's not something common in your country, so please allow me to explain you what this is about : it would consist in working as an unqualified worker for a period of four weeks. You may be interested to know that I'm willing to working for free. Indeed, I do not aim at earning money but at gaining experience to go deeper into my engineer formation.

It is why I have decided to look for my first work experience abroad, in order both to discover the labor world and to spend my first time alone in a foreign country.
Since Eimskip is the largest Icelandic shipping company, I would be pleased to work for you during this period. I am sure it would be a really enriching experience.

I am also really interested in improving my english.
Last year, I achieved the TOEIC with 790 points and I'm currently preparating the First Certificate of Cambridge. I now would like to spend a few time in a foreign country, because I'm entirely convinced it is the better way to improve my english.

If you are interested in my application, I am looking forward to hearing about a working opportunity in a cold storage or a warehouse in Reykjavík in July.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely, "

Thank you for your help !

Edited by bridg on 11-03-2009 13:04

Re: Cover Letter (first work experience) by intrepid34, posted on 24-02-2009 at 22:00:52
Hello Eliphas, yes I would like to try and help you as English is my mother tongue. Your letter is good ..... however ...!

As a graduate at an Engineering School in France 5 ICAM ...) I am looking for an industrial place for a short term (a month) in July 2009 as part of my degree.

The French Embassy in Reykjavik have informed me that this is rather uncommon in Iceland, so please allow me to explain what it entails: I would be employed on a non-remuneration basis as an unqualified worker for a period of 4 weeks. I am prepared for work for nothing as I would like to have the valuable experience to further my engineering studies. I have decided to go abroad for my first work experience to discover what it's like to work within a company and also experience life alone in a foreign country. Since Eimskip is the largest Icelandic shipping company, I would like to work in your company during this period. I am sure it would be a really enriching experience.

My aim is also to improve my English. Last year I passed the TOEIC Exam with 790 points and am currently preparing First Certificate of Cambridge. By spending time in an English speaking country, I could really improve my spoken English a lot.

I hope my application interests you and I look forward to a favourable reply in the near future.

Yours faithfully (si tu as mis Dear Sir comme salutation)
Yours sincerely (si tu a mis Dear Mr. ou Mrs. XXXXX)

Good luck

Re: Cover Letter (first work experience) by intrepid34, posted on 25-02-2009 at 07:17:21
Good morning! On second thoughts...!!!!

I am look for an industrial placement on a short term basis for the month of
July 2009 as part of my degree.

Re: Cover Letter (first work experience) by eliphas, posted on 25-02-2009 at 10:18:21
Thank you very much intrepid !
I've changed my cover letter, i'm gonna send it today with my resumé !
I hope I'll have answers...

Have a good day ;-)

Re: Cover Letter (first work experience) by seham2009, posted on 26-02-2009 at 05:40:09
i hope they will send u answer
good luck for u

Re: Cover Letter (first work experience) by zmj5027, posted on 27-02-2009 at 16:35:37
I also want to improve my english
good luck for you and everyone who wants to learn english

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