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befreeandhappy /correspondents (1)

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befreeandhappy /correspondents
Message de befreeandhappy posté le 17-11-2008 à 23:37:07 (S | E | F)

Hi everybodyyy

My name is Audrey ( Odré ) , i'm 17 and half ( very important )
I live in France and i would like to speak with american or english or spain ( that's all i think ) people because i want to know a new country , a new culture , news persons , new everything !
I want to run away from my cityyyy lol
and i want to speak better english or spanish or american lol
so if anybody can help me to speak better english it would be very nice , i will not be ashame there ( yes because i will go to L.A this summer )
then .. hmmm .. I'm vietnamien , i'm very niiiiiiice girl !! i'm very cool and peaceful and all the qualities ! lol
i think you can't find a better penpal ! no i'm jokeing ( i don't know how say ..
I like read , draw, music ( normal ) , sleep , run , travel .... . In music , i listen everything : rock , rap , reggae , soul , pop

If you are cool , you can speak with me , if not .. i can too ! ( but not really )
see ya !
your turn !

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2008 06:12
titre+texte expurgé


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