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CV en anglais (correction) (1)

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CV en anglais (correction)
Message de aliana75 posté le 16-11-2008 à 23:20:17 (S | E | F)

J'ai fait mon CV en anglais et si quelqu'un pouvait m'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de grosses bourdes, je lui en serais très reconnaissante !
I need help for my resume, if everybody could check it, i was very grateful. Thanks !


xxx Firm of Accountants France 01/03/05 – 28/02/07
Human Ressources Manager

I was responsible of the employment service. The main aspect of my role were :
- managing a team of five executives
- being in charge of the clientele (research, development, queries, complaints...)
- improving processes and pratices
- recruitement lifecycle
- training
- managing the employment laws and applications
- writing and revising of employment contracts and others documents
- providing advices, guidances and approvals to amendment of documentation

2004 : xxx Cadres Employment Service 01/09/04 – 31/10/04
Administrative Assistant

My role was :
- helping the jobseekers to find a job
- improving the employment processes

xxx firm of lawyers France 01/03/03 – 28/02/04
Employment legal counsel

I was assisting the lawyers. My main responsabilities were :
- writing the employment contracts and others documents
- searching the news employment laws and applications
- planning and preparing the training courses
- informing the clientele

xxx Banque – Groupe xxx France 01/05/02 – 31/10/2002
Bank legal counsel

I was in charge of :
- writing and revising the customer credit contracts
- managing the bank garantees

xxx International Firm France 01/06/01 – 31/10/01
Human Ressources Assistant

My principal role was writing a agreement on the reduction of working hours. In parallel to this role, I was assisting the Human Ressources Manager to revise the HR pratices, recruit the staff and prepare the training curricula.

xxx Transports France 1996 – 2006
Administrative assistant (assignments)

It was a family business and I helped for :
- carrying out the general administration tasks
- providing advices and guidances to the legal contracts
- communicating with external contracters

sales assistant
xxx (2004), xxx (2001), xxx (2001), xxx (1999)


English Intensive Courses (5 weeks) Stendhal University France July 2007

Management Training xxx Conseil 2006

DESS CAAE (Post Graduate Degree) IAE of Grenoble France 2000 – 2001
- Managment
- Accounting
- Human Ressources

Master in Private Law University of Pierre Mendès France France 1998 – 1999

Master in Business Law of Pierre Mendès France France 1997 – 1998

Baccalauréat A3 specialized in Mathematics and letters 1993


French : mother tongue
English : good skills, both written and read
Spanish : school level
Computer literate : Word, Excel, Power Point, Alinea, Ciceron, Quadratus, Coala, Lotus Note, Windows (98, XP and Vista) and Internet


Married, 1 child
Age : 33 (DOB : 09/10/1975)
Driving Licence
Interests and hobbies : travels, painting and reading, journalist in « GENERATIONS » newpaper when I was at secondary shool
Modifié par bridg le 17-11-2008 06:46
Anonymat demandé


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