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Franckdu31 / partner to talk english/corr (1)

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Franckdu31 / partner to talk english/corr

Message de franckdu31 posté le 02-09-2008 à 12:55:08 (S | E | F)

Hi all, My name is Franck. I'm a student in second year of Law studies and I'm live near of Toulouse, a beautiful town in the south of the France.

In the framework of my studies I need to improve my English's level. I will pass take some exams which will consist in English's orals during my second year in the Law Faculty.

This is the reason why I'm looking for a partner who will be ready to talk in english with me, but not just to talk without interest. I' looking for somebody who could perhaps become my friend and with who I could talk of about a lot of things and have interesting conversations and share good moments.

I think I have an intermediate English's level, not too bad but not perfect far from here!
So I just want to make some progress in English and feeling better for my future exams!

I precise I have Windows Live Messenger to have an easier and immediate conversation!

Thank you in advance for all your future answers!

Have a nice day and perhaps see you soon!

Modifié par micka le 02-09-2008 13:00

Modifié par franckdu31 le 05-09-2008 13:32


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