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steph0512/English penfriend (1)

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steph0512/English penfriend
Message de steph0512 posté le 12-06-2008 à 09:17:19 (S | E | F)

Hi, My name is Stéphanie, I'm from a small city next to Paris, I'm 37, and I'm looking for an englishpen to improve my english before taking the TOEIC test. I really need some help, because my english is not so good as well. Also, I can help in french of course ! Thanks very much !!!

Modifié par bridg le 12-06-2008 12:12

Réponse: steph0512/English penfriend de toopidoo, postée le 13-06-2008 à 20:10:35 (S | E)
hi ! I'm not a native but I'm bilingual (french-english) so I can help you to improve your english if you wanted to ;)

Réponse: steph0512/English penfriend de steph0512, postée le 27-06-2008 à 10:53:23 (S | E)
Hi ! sorry, I hadn't seen your answer... Thanks very much for your message. I have just seen your profile and it is really impressive... You are so lucky to speak all these languages fluently ! I would like to... but for me it's really difficult, though I work hard ! Actually I'm training to take my TOEIC (maybe in October), but the more I work, the more I find this exam difficult. I watch VO movies with english subtitles... I read english book (One word in the Merde - a very funny book). I work my english with Berlitz who is an fantastic english training centre.. but It is not enough. I give you my e-mail address, it's easier to communicate, because I'm not on the "anglaisfacile" website all day long, it is my msn address to : ***@****pour votre sécurité, les adresses emails sont interdites sur le site, merci de communiquer par messages privés****
(this address is strange, isn't it ? with my name, my husband and my two children !)
It was really a pleasure to read you, and I hope to read you next time. Have a nice day, and a nice week end. Stéphanie


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