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Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8' (1)

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Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8'
Message de marit64 posté le 11-06-2008 à 22:15:02 (S | E | F)


Find the words beginning with the letter "S".

1-A verb meaning to give milk from the breast or teats to a baby or young animal. ............
2-A dust of tiny fragments of wood, made by sawing. ............
3-It's the accidental sinking or destruction of a ship. ...........
4-If you sway, move or walk unsteadily, you ........... .
5-An underground pipe or channel for carrying away water etc from drains. ............
6-It's a tiny red-hot piece thrown off by something burning, or when two very hard metal surfaces are struck together. ............
7-What do you call a pair of metal loops hanging on straps from a horse's saddle, to support a rider's feet? ............
8-This noun is used for a figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds. .............
9-Plants growing in the sea. .............
10-What do you call the short hair grown on the side of a man's face in front of the ears?

Good luck and have fun!
You'll receive the answers next Wednesday.

My best wishes for all the fathers in the world.
Happy Father's day!

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8' de good_doggy, postée le 11-06-2008 à 23:01:33 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 Suckle
2 Sawdust
3 Shipwreck
4 Swing
5 Sewer (sewer pipe)
6 Spark, sparkle
7 Stirrup
8 Scarecrow, scarer, strawman
9 Seaweed
10 Sideburn, side-whiskers

Thanks a lot Marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8' de nina80, postée le 13-06-2008 à 17:34:35 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1 - To suck
2 - shaving
3 - shipwreck
4 - To stagger
5 - sewer
6 - spark
7 - stirrup
8 - scarecrow
9 - seaweed
10- sideboards -sideburns

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8' de chrislondon, postée le 14-06-2008 à 22:59:26 (S | E)
Hi Marit
1, suckle
2. sawdust
3. shipwreck
4. stagger
5. sewage pipe
6. spark
7. stirrups
8. scarecrow
9. seaweed
10. sideburns
Thanks Marit! /hidden>

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8' de coferam, postée le 15-06-2008 à 18:18:12 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit64,

1 / Suckle
2 / Sawdust
3 / Sink
4 / Stagger.
5 / Sewer.
6 / Spark / Sparkle.
7 / Stirrup
8 / Scarer / Scarecrow / Strawman
9 / Seaweed
10 /Sideburn


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8' de nini59, postée le 18-06-2008 à 20:10:14 (S | E)
Hi Marit

1-A verb meaning to give milk from the breast or teats to a baby or young animal. to suckle
2-A dust of tiny fragments of wood, made by sawing. sawdust
3-It's the accidental sinking or destruction of a ship. Shipwreck
4-If you sway, move or walk unsteadily, you stagger
5-An underground pipe or channel for carrying away water etc from drains. sewer
6-It's a tiny red-hot piece thrown off by something burning, or when two very hard metal surfaces are struck together. a spark
7-What do you call a pair of metal loops hanging on straps from a horse's saddle, to support a rider's feet? stirrup
8-This noun is used for a figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds. a scarer
9-Plants growing in the sea. seaweed
10-What do you call the short hair grown on the side of a man's face in front of the ears? sideburn

Thanks a lot for this exercise
see you

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 8' de marit64, postée le 18-06-2008 à 22:47:57 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your excellent work!

Here are the answers:

1-suckle (allaiter) 2-sawdust (sciure) 3-shipwreck (naufrage)
4-stagger (tituber) 5-sewer (égout) 6-spark (étincelle) 7-stirrups (étriers)
8-scarecrow (épouvantail) 9-seaweed (algues) 10-sideburns (favoris).

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long


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