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melicom/ lettre de motivation (1)

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melicom/ lettre de motivation
Message de melicom posté le 09-06-2008 à 10:51:18 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous et bien j'ai bientôt un examen d'anglais et l'on doit rédiger une lettre de motivation sauriez-vous jetter un coup(s) d'oeil et me corriger? svp s'il vous plaît? Merci

Madam, Sir,
Referring to an advertisement placed in the newspaper, I make a point of postulating for the station of…
I want to present a request for the station of… as indicated in your request.

I am 24 years old and I worked during 2ans in the same field that Ci, I thus have nevertheless a little experiment. It is thus for that I am in the search of one employs. I am bilingual French English/and I control information completely.

I have much quality for the negotiations telephone like for the direction of the organization. I know manage and even organizes me me. I have very good qualities relational with the people.

I would be charmed to join your team during this period and I delighted to receive your answer.

I hope that you will examine my request favorably, and I remain at your disposal for a maintenance.

Enclosed please find my resume and do not hesitate to contact me if youi require any further details.

Yours sincerely,

Modifié par bridg le 09-06-2008 11:59


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