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Lettre de motivation(corrrection) (1)

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Lettre de motivation(corrrection)
Message de aleks posté le 27-05-2008 à 19:37:45 (S | E | F)

Bonjour a tous,
J'ai pris la décision de partir en Angleterre "au pair" à partir de septembre. Je dois donc faire une lettre de motivation que voici j'aurai juste besoin d'une petite correction pour m'aider !!

Dear family,

My name is ******, I’m twenty-two years old and I live at Clermont-Ferrand. It’s a small city situated in the center of France. In two words I think that I am dynamic and cheerful. An important matter: I have the easy contact including with the children.

I love my family. We live in some kilometres some of the others. My father is named Daniel, he’s foreman. My mother, Catherine is lawyer. I have one brother too. He’s seventeen and his name is Pierre-Aymeric. The week, I go to the University Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand. This year, I obtained my Psychology degree and I would like to master the English language to continue my studies in this sector. Indeed, I have many difficulties in vocabulary, grammar and oral understanding. The advantage is that I think of learning fast and that I am very motivated! It is thus for complete my curriculum that I will come in England as an “au pair”. To leave "au pair" will also allow to discover a new culture, a new country and to pass of moments pleasant with my family of reception. To be honest, with this method I can win a little money while occupying to me of children what I like very much making.
I have ever had some experience in a baby-sitter. From July 2004 and 2007, I worked in a children's outdoor activity center. I took charge of seven-year-old children in twelve years. Every presenter had approximately ten children under its responsibility. I was also appointed responsible for the spectacle on the two following years because I make much theater, I like that! We made many artistic and culinary activities as well as outdoor games of all kinds! One of main objective of this airy center is to facilitate the autonomy of the children. It is a value important for me in the education of the children.
I also worked with handicapped children (driving and mental) as well as with children gipsies. These experiences are really greats! I was able to learn to be quiet, patient and reflected with the children. For me, to keep my head and to adapt itself to everything situations are qualities to be had to work with the children.
From 2006 for six month, I look after two little girls and a boy: Tiffany, Amandine and Frederic all week, sometimes weekends but rarely during the holidays because their mother was seriously sick and their father, lawyer, worked hugely. I was going to look for them to the school the evening, made them taste and help them for the homework. I prepared to eat for all family, to help the children to have a wash and to go to bed. I also went shopping, the cleanup of house and the ironing.
As soon as we had a moment of free, I took the children to the swimming pool or to the park to walk. We made so various activities like painting, cooking or invented different games.

I think that it is necessary to be for the listening of the desires for the children without forgetting what want to pass on the parents to their children. Indeed, the link with the parents is very important. The communication, the listening and the confidence are three criterions which I shall like sharing with you. I am very impatient to become integrated within a family of a culture different from mine, to be confronted with the dam of the language and to discover a new country. Most hard for me, I think, will be the distance with my family. We are much welded between us and very close some of the others. The rupture risks to be difficult but they are all behind me. Their support seems to me to be necessary to participate in this adventure!

I really want to be part of your family for six month and I am very motivated. I promise to do my best to ensure that everything goes well.

I look forward to hearing from you and I really hope I will be your “au pair".


Modifié par bridg le 27-05-2008 19:44
Lettre de motivation / divers

Réponse: Lettre de motivation(corrrection) de pumpkin21, postée le 04-06-2008 à 22:34:56 (S | E)
Dear family,

My name is ******, I’m twenty-two years old and I live IN Clermont-Ferrand. It’s a small city situated in the center of France. In two words I think that I am dynamic and cheerful. An important THING : I have the easy contact including with the children.

I love my family. We live in some kilometres FROM ONE ANOTHER . My father is named Daniel, he’s A foreman. My mother, Catherine is A lawyer. I have GOT A brother . He’s seventeen and his name is Pierre-Aymeric. DURING THE week, I go to the University Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand. This year, I PASSED my Psychology degree and I would like to master the English language to continue my studies in this sector. Indeed, I have many difficulties in vocabulary, grammar and oral understanding. The advantage is that I think I LEARN VERY fast and I am very motivated! It is thus for complete my curriculum that I will come in England as an “au pair”. To leave "au pair" will also allow ME to discover a new culture, a new country and to ENJOY MY TIME with my family HOST FAMILY. To be honest, with this method I can EARN a little money while TAKING CHARGE OF THE children what I like very much .
I have ever had some experienceS in baby-sittING. From July 2004 and 2007, I worked in a children's outdoor activity center. I took charge of seven-year-old children in twelve years. Every presenter had approximately ten children under its responsibility. I was also appointed responsible for the spectacle on the two following years because I make much theater, I like that! We made many artistic and culinary activities as well as outdoor games of all kinds! One of main objective of this airy center is to facilitate the autonomy of the children. It is a value important for me in the education of the children.
I also worked with handicapped children (driving and mental) as well as with children gipsies. These experiences WERE really great! I AM able to learn to be quiet, patient and reflected with the children. For me, TO BE ABLE to adapt to everY situations IS A qualitY TO HAVE to work with the children.
From 2006 for six monthS, I lookED after two little girls and a boy: Tiffany, Amandine and Frederic all week, sometimes week-ends but rarely during the holidays because their mother was seriously sick and their father, lawyer, worked hugely. I was going to look for them to the school the evening, made them taste and help them for the homework. I prepared to eat for all family, to help the children to have a wash and to go to bed. I also went shopping, the cleanup of house and the ironing.
As soon as we had a moment of free, I took the children to the swimming pool or to the park to walk. We made so various activities like painting, cooking or invented different games.

I think that it is necessary to be for the listening of the desires for the children without forgetting what want to pass on the parents to their children. Indeed, the link with the parents is very important. The communication, the listening and the confidence are three criterions which I shall like sharing with you. I am very impatient to become integrated within a family of a culture different from mine, to be confronted with the dam of the language and to discover a new country. Most hard for me, I think, will be the distance with my family. We are much welded between us and very close some of the others. The rupture risks to be difficult but they are all behind me. Their support seems to me to be necessary to participate in this adventure!

I really want to be part of your family for six month and I am very motivated. I promise to do my best to ensure that everything goes well.

I look forward to hearing from you and I really hope I will be your “au pair".

Je n'ai pas corrigé la fin de ta lettre. Mais je pense qu'elle est beaucoup trop longue. Une lettre de motivation consiste à donner quelques éléments de ton profil, ton curriculaem vitae sert à montrer tes diplômes et expériences.C'est tout

Réponse: Lettre de motivation(corrrection) de aleks, postée le 05-06-2008 à 10:17:02 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction ! Je pense également que ma lettre est trop longue : mon agence m'a dis qu'elle devait faire 200 mots maximum donc à moi de modifier !!
Encore merci.
A bientot.


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