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Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 7' (1)

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Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 7'
Message de marit64 posté le 19-03-2008 à 20:49:52 (S | E | F)


Find the words beginning with the letter "S".

1-When you have the physical defect of having the eyes turning towards or away from each other, you ........... .
2-A verb meaning to write quickly or carelessly. ............
3-What do you call a person who walks about while asleep? ............
4-We use this noun for a bank of sand formed by tides and currents. ...........
5-What do you call a person who steals goods from a shop? .............
6-This verb means to have a very bad smell. .............
7-A synonym of "to stew". .............
8-What do you call the amount held by a spoon? ............
9-The punctuation mark used especially to separate parts of a sentence which have more independence than clauses separated by a comma. ............
10-It's a room specially constructed for keeping valuable articles, with thick walls and a heavy steel door etc. ............

Good luck and have fun.
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 7' de nini59, postée le 20-03-2008 à 11:59:12 (S | E)
Hi Marit64.

1) When you have the physical defect of having eyes turning towards or away from each other, you squint.
2) A verb meaning to write quickly or carelessly: to scribble
3) What do you call aperson who walks about while asleep? a sleepwalker
4) We use this noun for a bank of sand formed by tides and currents: a shore
5) What do you call a person who steals goods from a shop? a shoplifter
6) This verb meaning to have a very bad smell: to stink
7) Asynonym of "to stew": to simmer
8) What do you call the amount held by a spoon? a spoonful
9) The punctuation mark used especially to separate parts of a sentence which have more independance than clauses separated by a comma. a semicolon
10) It's a room specially constructed for keeping valuable articles with thick walls and a heavy steel door etc: a strong room
for this exercise. see you

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 7' de coferam, postée le 21-03-2008 à 18:22:35 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit64,

1 / Squint
2 / Scribble
3 / Somnambulist = Sleepwalker
4 / Sand dune
5 / Stealer
6 / Stink
7 / Simmer
8 / Spoonful
9 / Semicolon
10 / Strong-room, Vault.

Merci d'alimenter mon Psy !

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 7' de nina80, postée le 21-03-2008 à 19:24:01 (S | E)

1 - squint
2 - scribble
3 - sleepwalker
4 - sandbank
5 - swiper - stealer
6 - stink
7 - ??
8 - spoonfull
9 - semicolon
10- strongroom

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 7' de chrislondon, postée le 23-03-2008 à 12:48:37 (S | E)
Hi Marit,
1. squint
2. scribble
3. sleepwalker
4. sandbank
5. shoplifter
6. stink
7. swelter, sweat (without a context I have chosen the meaning of worry about something)
8. spoonful
9. semi-colon
10. safe, strong-room
Thank you, Marit!

Modifié par chrislondon le 23-03-2008 12:49

Modifié par chrislondon le 23-03-2008 12:49

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 7' de marit64, postée le 26-03-2008 à 20:17:49 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your hard work! You're still my

Here are the answers:
1-squint (loucher) 2-scribble (griffonner) 3-sleepwalker, somnambulist (somnambule) 4-sandbank (banc de sable) 5-shoplifter (voleur à l'étalage)
6-stink (puer) 7-simmer (mijoter) 8-spoonful (cuillerée)
9-semicolon (point-virgule) 10-strongroom, vault (chambre forte).

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long


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