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Aide pour lettre de motivation plz :) (1)

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Aide pour lettre de motivation plz :)
Message de moschoden posté le 11-03-2008 à 16:41:29 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je viens solliciter votre aide dans l'urgence. Je dois rendre vendredi une lettre de motivation pour mon dossier de candidature à un programme d'échange avec une université Anglaise. J'ai donc rédiger cette lettre mais je souhaite que l'on me la corrige. Pourriez-vous m'aider svp !
MERCI par avance.

Voici la lettre en question:

Dear Sir or Madam

After having discussed with the person in charge of the International Relations of the Nantes Institute of Economic and Management (IEMN), on the opportunities offered to the students concerning studying abroad, I decided to fill in an application form.

Being nowadays in “licence en science de gestion” (equivalents to a Bachelor’s degree in Management), I would like to specialize myself in the International Management. In this field an English good level is recommended and I think it is indispensable to be able to talk it. I study English since the school, and I realized that the best way to master a language was to go in a country to communicate with the inhabitants, and studying in this language.

Moreover, to be able to adapt and to develop a broader outlook on the world, are, to my mind, two important qualities for my future profession in Management.
Having already accomplished some travel in various countries abroad as Italia, United-States… I think I have developed a capacity of adaptation, but I want to discover new ways of working.

Dundee is a city which attracts me, due to its history, its culture and Scientifics activities. Its rich architecture is a further argument that convinces me to choose this destination.
Worker and sociable, I want to come to your university to give me more personal and professional enrichment.

Yours faithfully,


Modifié par bridg le 11-03-2008 16:46

Réponse: Aide pour lettre de motivation plz :) de lucile83, postée le 11-03-2008 à 17:38:32 (S | E)
Lettre corrigée vu le motif et l'urgence de la situation :
Dear Sir or Madam

Following an interview with the person in charge of the International Relations of the Nantes Institute of Economic and Management (IEMN), on the opportunities offered to the students concerning studying abroad, I decided to fill in an application form.

Being nowadays in “licence en science de gestion” (equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in Management), I would like to specialize in the International Management. In this field a good English level is recommended and I think it is necessary to be able to speak English well. I have been studying English for a few years, and I realized that the best way to master a language was to go abroad in order to communicate with the inhabitants, and study in the country's language.

Moreover, being able to adapt and developping a wider outlook on the world are, to my mind, two important qualities for my future profession in Management.
Having already travelled in various countries such as Italy, the United States and others, I think I have developed a capacity of adaptation, but I want to discover new ways of working.

Dundee is a city which attracts me, due to its history, its culture and scientific activities. Its rich architecture is a further argument that convinces me to choose this destination.
Hard-working and sociable, I would like to come to your university which would give me more personal and professional enrichment.

Yours faithfully,

Good luck

Réponse: Aide pour lettre de motivation plz :) de moschoden, postée le 11-03-2008 à 20:25:20 (S | E)
Réponse rapide, super bien, bref rien à redire !!!!! Tu es G E N I A LE ! merci Lucile !

Réponse: Aide pour lettre de motivation plz :) de ellissa, postée le 11-03-2008 à 20:59:20 (S | E)
Bravo lucile, tu es super

Réponse: Aide pour lettre de motivation plz :) de lucile83, postée le 11-03-2008 à 21:07:10 (S | E)
Thanks ! you're


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