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oddey/corres anglais (1)

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oddey/corres anglais
Message de oddey posté le 20-02-2008 à 21:23:46 (S | E | F)


I search for people to learn, speak, write English. Because I need to practise for my job !!!
So if you are interesting in helping me, it will be great.
See you soon
Modifié par lucile83 le 20-02-2008 21:25

Réponse: oddey/corres anglais de raphmax, postée le 20-02-2008 à 21:26:41 (S | E)

I need also english for my job and if you are free i'm free to speak with you about all subjects


Réponse: oddey/corres anglais de oddey, postée le 20-02-2008 à 22:03:43 (S | E)
Hey !!

I'm happy to have somebody with whom to discuss.

I don't know where beginning.

I work in a society which products humorists shows. I'm assistant of 2 people, and one of them is the big big boss, who travel between Paris, Montreal, Los Angeles. And soon, I need to communicate in english for many meeting. Also, the man who keep his home in Paris speak only english, and it's very hard for me when I must to call him, because I'm afraid to not understand what he says, and most of the time I understand not everything.

My biggest problem with this language it's "I need learn vocabulary", but when you're alone you haven't somebody to can help you if you have right or no, it's difficult.

So if I make many many many mistakes you say it to me !!!

See you soon



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