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!! Reading list !! for English learners (1)

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!! Reading list !! for English learners

Message de mecrusse posté le 13-02-2008 à 13:18:28

Hello, I am a Russian student.

I am looking for a list of books to read in order to improve my English.
The subject doesn't matter, the main thing is that they should be easy to read.

And it would be great if they could be found on audio, ie read by actors.
(I mean that if a book is (or was) very popular it probably was read. So it is helpul not just read by yourself, but also listen to correct English pronunciation etc etc

Would it be classic or modern literature, books for beginners or advanced learners (or native speakers) that's not important for me.

ps Please, don't recommend The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter.

thank you in advance, Eugene

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2008 19:01

Modifié par bridg le 15-09-2008 22:46

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de violet91, postée le 13-02-2008 à 18:13:04


As a matter of fact,you can buy Edgar Poe's "tales of
mystery and imagination" "The black cat' more particularly with an an excellent tape.

In any English bookshop...you can find plenty of famous novels and recordings. Most famous works. And DVDs. Good luck. violet

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de hedwige, postée le 13-02-2008 à 19:37:17
Hello ! I'm reading the books of Ellis Peters about the inquests of "Brother Cadfael", a monk on the Middle-Ages, and I know that the books have been registered with the voice of Sir Derek Jacobi, who played in the TV versions.
I'm sorry about my bad English, I'm just beginning to remember my very ancient lessons, when I was young, and I have not written or spoken for a so long time ! I found the books and the vocal texts on Web sites, whose I won't tell names, because I don't know if publicity is allowed here.Thank you for forgiving my mistakes, and thank you if somebody here can correct them...


Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de gyslene28, postée le 13-02-2008 à 21:14:41

I can recommend you Agatha Christie's books, and you can also find the cd version of her books. Which are narrate by actors with ambience sound in the background.

I am reading the ABC murders, and I don't find it difficult to read.


Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de violet91, postée le 14-02-2008 à 18:09:47


I have no idea whether you have or not an English bookshop in Moscow. At the University's library? Or town's library?

--- Don't start with Shakespeare..t is much too difficult (but you can watch the films :Orson Welles"s, kenneth Branagh's..)
- "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë.(DVD:Ralf Fiennes ,Juliette Binoche)
- "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë(DVD:Charlotte Gainsbourg °
- Agatha Christie's novels or plays such as "The mouse-trap".
- "Baskerville's hound" by Conan Doyle(DVD)
- "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw (very pleasant film with Audrey Hepburn)
- "Frankeinstein" by Mary Shelley (great film and DVD by Francis Coppola).
- "Tales of mystery and imagination" by Edgar Allan Poe.(tapes)
-" Rebecca" and "The Birds" by Daphné du Maurier (films by Hitchcock).
- "How to be an Alien" by George Mikès (an excellent and humorous book about British habits ,nicely "caricatured).

I'll be thinking about it..Good luck.Cordialement. violet

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de mecrusse, postée le 04-03-2008 à 12:51:55
Hello yes we have bookshops and libraries
that offer plenty of english books.
And you dont have those in France? That is pity.

In fact I'm not starting - I have been learning english for 12 years.

Thank you all for your answers.

I may recommend to english learners books
by George Orwell and Ernest Hemmingway.

They are perfect.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de mendosolo, postée le 04-03-2008 à 19:26:45
Hi mecrusse,

I propose you a world known trilogy : "His dark materials" by Philip Pullman.

There is a lot of answers in the forum you have the choice.



Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de assyna, postée le 04-03-2008 à 20:04:26
I can advice you to read "an Englishman in Paris" Michael Sadler. I acknowledge it's quite difficult but it's so full of humour and wit, it's so talentedly written that you can understand the whole meaning (even if you'll need to have a dictionary not far from you...)

I still read it and I laugh everytime I read the way he depicts the French way of life and the Englishman stuck into it...

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de bonsai93, postée le 05-03-2008 à 10:13:52
Hello, you can also read Stephan Clarke
"Talk to the snail "or a "year in the ..."
its easy to read and funny
and Danielle Steel is also very easy to read when we are beginners
I"m reading an old book : David Copperfield
it's an abridged for schools and the vocabulary is very interesting

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de mecrusse, postée le 05-03-2008 à 17:06:38
Thank you my friends.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de gotton, postée le 11-03-2008 à 14:58:28
I begin to learn in english too and I have begin by Roal Dahl and it was very good.
I have read Mathilda, the BFG and the witches.
I don't know if it's what you want but you can always look.


Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de kimansuper, postée le 18-04-2008 à 22:55:44
Hello,i'm pleased to answer to you because i was in the same case than you.i think also the best way to learn a langage is to read and speak.I used to learn "the man in the iron mask" of Alexandre Dumas and i found it very interesting and i think it will help you to improve your level in english.
i'm also a beginner in english,so forgive me my mistakes and good bye.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de libby-luvs-u, postée le 23-05-2008 à 05:36:02
Hi, a great book you should read is called Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. Its pretty easy to read and its about vampires, how much more exciting can it be

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de jamila_dad, postée le 23-05-2008 à 14:45:50

hello my "follow suffer".
I have the same sorrow like you and your request will surely help many of us.
Sorry not to have been able to give you any kind of help.
Finally you should apologise my mistakes as I'm just struggling to improve my use of Shakespeare language.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de forestwolf, postée le 30-05-2008 à 03:25:27
the movie <>

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de xujianhong, postée le 05-06-2008 à 09:37:06
i can not find those books,i have not english book ,if you can sharing some learning book that let us download,i think you will be more popular undefined

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de oneota, postée le 07-08-2008 à 15:15:43
Try Project Gutenberg: It has numerous works, and a lot of them have audios of high quality (e.g., the readings of E. B. Browning and the sonnets of Shakespeare - but I think some of the thousands of non-poetry works they have posted as well).

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de gaspardzebear, postée le 07-08-2008 à 18:55:09
Hi, you can try to read David Lodge's novels (for example Thinks, Nice Work). T think his style is quite clear ... and the subjects are really interesting

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de whiterose, postée le 10-08-2008 à 12:43:58
I have been learning English for 4 years.
This summer (for the first time) I read many books in English so I improved it a lot!
I advise you to read:
Jane Eyer.........written by Charlotte Bronté
Oliver Twist
The great Gasby

My best wishes

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de trainer, postée le 13-08-2008 à 13:14:25
I recommend to read Readers Digest. It is a great magazine to learn English.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de achievement79, postée le 14-08-2008 à 13:55:55
I thought the card bears the base "the Lincoln Biography" is a good book.
Perhaps you also may go to have a look Lincoln to develop the lecture notes, Lincoln's lecture fell after all very many person ~!

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de younes91, postée le 14-08-2008 à 21:40:34
I've had the same problem as you, but I've found the solution.
You should just buy books the collection is MACMILLAN Readers or PENGUIN Readers. It's so easy. In fact, it depends on your level. There are from Starter until Advanced. And it's so enjoyable.
Best Regards.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de trainer, postée le 19-08-2008 à 07:41:52
Try reading English newspaper everyday. Easy to understand and it will hold your interest too.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de trainer, postée le 25-08-2008 à 10:43:45
How about Nancy Drew Stories.

Réponse: !! Reading list !! for English learners de sel14, postée le 25-08-2008 à 16:11:47
About reading list...
I add some words to incite anybody to read English in the original text to
improve himself.
All the the advices I've read from the other members are good for you. I come
only to add my favorite book which is Emma of Jane Austen. You have to find it
in a bookshop or any library in your town. Friendly.

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