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Stephen Clarke (1)

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Stephen Clarke

Message de duude posté le 11-02-2008 à 14:51:35

I recently red one of Stephan Clarke's book ("Talk to the snail"), and it was so much entertaining that I would like to recommend it to you, really.

This author published several funny books and "Talk to the snail" is unique in the way of comparing French and British. The whole book compares the neighbors we are, and is very accurate.

If some of you red it, I'd be glad to debate it

Enjoy your reading !

Modifié par bridg le 18-09-2008 21:06

Réponse: Stephen Clarke de pitit-nutz, postée le 12-02-2008 à 15:30:18

(read*, not red )

Thanks for recomanding this book, it's nice
What sort of novel is it? Thriller? Supernatural? Science Fiction?

Réponse: Stephen Clarke de violet91, postée le 12-02-2008 à 15:37:01

Thank you for recommending this book which must be exciting. What does it deal with? A sort of nice caricature ? Like "How to be an Alien" by George Mikes?(Our looks on British habits) A year in the m---e!(Cambrone).Actually ?(A British look on ours)

Réponse: Stephen Clarke de duude, postée le 13-02-2008 à 10:30:56
I didn't read the whole collection, but "Talk to the snail" is a satire of French society.
I wouldn't say it's a supernatural nor a thriller book It's an entertaining book, the kind of book you enjoy reading anytime.
I remember one day, when I was reading in a waiting room to see my doctor, and I started to laugh out loud to one of his countless jokes (about French "vouvoiement")

He just has the right words to describe how we are, how we behave in everyday life and so on.

The book is divided in "10 commandments for understanding the French" as he says. He adds "Don't go to France without reading this book"

In order to give you a small idea, here is his sum up :

"The only book you'll need to understand what the French really think, how to get on with them and, most importantly, how to get the best out of them."

I'd be grateful if you guys could tell me where are my mistakes (grammar, vocabulary). Thank you

Réponse: Stephen Clarke de violet91, postée le 13-02-2008 à 12:49:12


So it is exactly the same type as books as the ones I told you about.(second book,above all)

Mind relative clauses and indirect speech.

" Signalez-moi où sont mes fautes ".devient Où mes fautes sont.Where my mistakes are.

-Je te demande juste où tu vas .(surtout pas d'inversion du sujet)
- I am just asking you where you are going, dear !

- je me demande quels parents viendront à la réunion.
- I wonder whose parents (les parents de qui)will come to the meeting.
- I wonder which (lesquels)parents will come to ...

Réponse: Stephen Clarke de duude, postée le 13-02-2008 à 20:36:12
Merci Violet

Réponse: Stephen Clarke de bonsai93, postée le 14-02-2008 à 10:43:44
sure , "a year in the M..." and "talk to the snail" are two very pleasant books
We can smile about our habits , and as french learner
we can easily read them because all is understandable
have good time with them

Réponse: Stephen Clarke de ralphh, postée le 18-09-2008 à 21:02:24
it's very beautifull congrutulation

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