Correction lettre de motivation (1)
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Message de lhelo posté le 31-01-2008 à 11:34:09 (S | E | F)
J'aimerai faire une demande pour Erasmus, mais mon niveau en Anglais laisse à désirer. Si vous pouviez jetter un oeil à ma lettre de motivation je vous en serai trés reconnaissant.
Dear Sir or Madam,
My education within the IUT of Tarbes proposes to do a third year of study in a foreign university. Discovering an other country, a different culture, experimenting news works methods….are arguments wich conviced me of choosing a destination out of France.
Being nowadays in second year of DUT GEA in Tarbes, I would like to follow my studies in the logistics field. In this field an english good level is recommended. The DUETE could allow me to improve in English while acquiring new competences.
To have more information on the university of Carlow and life in Ireland, I have already contacted former French students of this university. They taught me that the university of Carlow offers three different options for the students going out of a DUT GEA.I would like to orientate my studies to the specialization of purchase or international Business. These trainings could allow me to acquire useful competences afterwards from my studies.
Having already accomplished some travel in very various countries abroad as England, Spain, Canada. I think have developed a capacity of adaptation and self-government.
The fact to live one year in Ireland will allow me to open to the Irish culture and constitutes undoubtedly personal expérience very rewarding.
I beg you to take into consideration my candidacy and the sincerity of my purposes.
Hoping for a positive answer for your part, I transmit you, Madam, Mister, my most distinguished salutations.
Modifié par bridg le 31-01-2008 12:08
Lettre de motivation/ Divers
Réponse: Correction lettre de motivation de hughy, postée le 31-01-2008 à 12:47:29 (S | E)
Bonjour, permettez moi de corriger votre français.
J'aimerais prend un S (conditionnel)
je vous serais prend aussi un S (idem)
jeter un seul "t"