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Correction lettre de motivation (1)

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Correction lettre de motivation
Message de youhou posté le 07-01-2008 à 22:40:47 (S | E | F)

Hello, comme Lili_chan je dois faire une lettre de motivation pour un stage. Enfin on m'a dit de dire certains trucs que j'ai donc mis mais qui ne me plaisent pas forcément alors je vous préviens c'est pas super :S
Ah oui au cas où vous ne le saurez pas "I love English" est un magazine en anglais...

Madame, Miss, Sir,

I’m a pupil in fourth year of the high school [mon collège] in Paris. We have to do a work experience called “stage de découverte professionnelle”, in order to discover a job which already interests us. This work experience lasts five days, from Monday, February 18th to Friday, February 22nd.
I’m very interested in edition and journalism, and I really love English, that’s why I’d like very much to do my work experience within I love English’s team.
I love this magazine because I think it really helps me to progress in English, especially the column “anglais pratique” because the idioms are often used and I would like to speak English fluently.
I enjoy reading, journalism and literature have an important place in my daily-life ; whenever I have any free time I leaf a magazine or I get absorbed in a novel.
Generally, I’m jolly, plenty of joy of living and of optimism, which stimulates my close relations. I think I’m open-minded, and I quickly get used to the tasks which are set to me. I’m persevering, and I give the best of myself until I reach my objective, so much so that sometimes I’ve trouble admitting a failure. I love sharing what I like with the others, that’s why I think I’ll be glad to work in a team which will try to share what they like to the readers of their magazine.

I’m very enthusiastic thinking about assisting at the elaboration of this monthly, it would be for me an invaluable occasion to familiarize with the job I envisage.
Of course I’ll be available for an interview if you want to.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully.

Modifié par bridg le 07-01-2008 22:51

Réponse: Correction lettre de motivation de hobbes007, postée le 18-01-2008 à 15:18:39 (S | E)
Mr, Mrs, Miss,

I’m a pupil in my fourth year at +le nom de ton collège high school [mon collège] in Paris. We have to do a work experience called “stage de découverte professionnelle”, in order to know more about a job which already interests us. This work experience lasts five days, from Monday, February 18th to Friday, February 22nd.
I’m very interested in edition and journalism, and I really love English, that’s why I’d like very much to do my work experience within the I love English’s team.
I love this magazine because I think it really helps me to progress in English, especially the column “anglais pratique” because the idioms are often used and I would like to speak English fluently.
I enjoy reading, journalism and literature have an important place in my daily-life ; whenever I have some free time I leaf through a magazine or I get absorbed in a novel.
Generally, I’m jolly, plenty of joy of living and of optimism, which stimulates my close relations. I think I’m open-minded, and I quickly get used to the tasks that are set to me. I’m persevering, and I give the best of myself until I reach my objective, so much so that sometimes I’ve trouble admitting a failure. I love sharing what I like with others, that’s why I think I’ll be glad to work in a team which will try to share what they like to the readers of their magazine.

I’m very enthusiastic thinking about assisting at the elaboration of this magazine.For me,it would be an invaluable occasion to familiarize with the job I envisage.
Of course I’ll be available for an interview if you want to.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully.

Very good job, well done!

Réponse: Correction lettre de motivation de youhou, postée le 18-01-2008 à 20:02:04 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup c'est super sympa =)
Enfin entre-temps j'ai trouvé un autre stage (en français lool) mais je vais surement en refaire bientôt alors j'enregistre ta correction ! Merci beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup !!!


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