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emilcher / American penpals/friends (1)

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emilcher / American penpals/friends
Message de emilcher posté le 13-12-2007 à 18:48:17 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everybody !

First, i'm glad to have found this website, which seems really good.

I'm here notably to looking for penpals. I'd like to discuss about several things which could be : our differences of culture, our hobbies, our different way of life, about a lot of things in fact! ( I am really talkative, in more besides to be curious )

I'd like especially US contacts, because I've always been fascinated by this country, and in while waiting to have a chance to go there one day, I would like to learn more about the fact of living over there, how is life for people who are the same age than me? ( maybe not much different from mine, but, well...!...Let's talk about it!?)

Well, so if you're interested in telling me more about you, and by the same way in helping me to improve my English,( I could do the same for you if you need to improve your French ) I would be happy to exchange with you.
I hope to hear from you soon.
See you soon.
Modifié par bridg le 13-12-2007 19:33


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