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Working together for success (1)

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Working together for success
Message de cool-man posté le 09-12-2007 à 02:40:59 (S | E | F | I)

Hello ! everyone

my nick name is man I've been in the United Kingdom since a few months, I speak French and English, French is my second language and English is like my third language my English is in higher Level I'm doing pre-GCSEs at college however it's not good enough I still need to learn and I'm willing to improve it, so I'd love to get in touch with any body who has got a higher level in Englis as well, I don't mind countries. In addition I'll be delight to chat with people from United state of America because I want to learn their slangs. Finally if your are struggling a bout any thing in English especially beginners please do not he-sited to contact me I'm hear to help I'm very helpful. One of the main reason that I've decided to help beginners is because when I first came in London I couldn't speak English as good as I'm speaking now and my Friends were very kind to me and they helped me so much to improve my English that's why I'm pleased to help other people as well. Hopefully I'll find a amazing person to chat with

yours faithfully,

Réponse: Working together for success de kingsalomon, postée le 09-12-2007 à 18:37:58 (S | E)
hello cool.i'm kingsalomon i live in Côte d'Ivoire. I'm a guy who's found of english.but unfortunately i have no english speaking man to help.that 's why i snatch on your offer. and i hope together we'll share good correspondance.

Réponse: Working together for success de sophie95, postée le 09-12-2007 à 22:16:07 (S | E)
Hi! I'm Sophie I'm from France and I want to Improve my English cuz I'd like to become bilingual. So can you help me please?

Réponse: Working together for success de frenshhie, postée le 10-12-2007 à 03:42:46 (S | E)
Hello, how are you doing?
I hope you could help me with my english. I try to listen english music or to watch tv in english but sometimes I have many words on my tongue but I cannot write them or express myself in english.so help..


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