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sos anglais (1)

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sos anglais
Message de fashion207 posté le 27-10-2007 à 13:11:10 (S | E | F | I)


salut tt lemonde bon voilà mon sujet de rédaction
c faire une comparaison entre ces trois pers
Anna 18 :I work in a factory , my working hours are 8:00 am to 5 pm i have one hours lunsh break at 12h30. the routines is the same every day. my job is very boring but is quite good . my job is just a way to earn money.
Tony,23: i'm a computer programmer i work a 40 hours week. we have flexible hours so i can start and finish when i want . if we are so busy the i work overtime i get paid extra for this. i earn a good salary but my my job doesn't rule my life
Erika ; 25 : i'm a doctor in a large hospital i work very long hours . the work is very interesting but it can also be quite stressful. i love my job and my collegues are also my friend . i don't have time for a social life

bon j'a pensé à conmencer comme ceci
anna tony and erika have a différent job . tony's job is more important than anna because this later event if she get paid quite good her job is boring contrarely than tony because his job is creative and more of this in the estate of computer there are always problems to solve
je sais que j'ai commi trop de faute c'est pour cela que je vous pris de me corriger ceci et de me donner votre opinion si je termine comme celà ou je fai autre chose déjà je ne sais pas encore si je dois adopter une introduction ou je commence diréctement merci de votre aide


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